
New Member
I got convinced by a TRT guy to start TRT about three months ago, I am regretting my decision and have pretty much decided to PCT off the stuff. My blood pressure has been really high and I've been having an awful time trying to sleep. I'm pretty sure it's because my body fat is just too high still. I have been on 300 mg/wk for three months.

My test was 375 before I started, I kno this is a little low but I'm only 28 and really don't want to have to depend on weekly shots for the rest of my life not to mention other associated problems, also they're not exactly cheap. I have already ordered nolva and clomid.

I guess my question is is there a chance that my test could get back into the normal range after a proper pct or am I going to be even lower after all this than when I started?
"Normal range", or back to previous baseline before beginning TRT? Yes, its very likely you will return to baseline, but remember that endogenous testosterone production drops as we age.

Run a standard clomid/nolva recovery program and you should be fine.
"Normal range", or back to previous baseline before beginning TRT? Yes, its very likely you will return to baseline, but remember that endogenous testosterone production drops as we age.

Run a standard clomid/nolva recovery program and you should be fine.

Ok can I ask you this? I do want to run a bulking cycle of 600 mg/wk of test e for about 10 weeks once I get my body fat % down to around 12% or lower. I'm currently about 18%. Should I just stay on the trt until I get done with all that or go ahead and come off and then get bf% down and then run the bulk cycle in 6 months or so?
If you have decided to live without TRT and accept your test values, then return to baseline (PCT) and reduce your BF to where you are comfortable. Then begin your cycle and run PCT when its completed.
Ok can I ask you this? I do want to run a bulking cycle of 600 mg/wk of test e for about 10 weeks once I get my body fat % down to around 12% or lower. I'm currently about 18%. Should I just stay on the trt until I get done with all that or go ahead and come off and then get bf% down and then run the bulk cycle in 6 months or so?

No, you should come off completely until you know what you are doing with regards to AAS. It seems like your knowledge is limited and bc of this it's best to wait until you learn more.

Just nitpicking, but TRT is a therapeutic/medical protocol. It's supervised by a real doctor not a gym bro or TRT guy.
No, you should come off completely until you know what you are doing with regards to AAS. It seems like your knowledge is limited and bc of this it's best to wait until you learn more.

Just nitpicking, but TRT is a therapeutic/medical protocol. It's supervised by a real doctor not a gym bro or TRT guy.

I agree, I got talked into it and then the more I read about it the more I realized that this guy was just selling shit and was not monitoring my estrogen levels correctly and just isn't doing it right. That is why I decided to try to get off in the first place
Is it only me or does 300mg/wk for trt seem really high?
Im on 160mg week now and Its brought my bloods up to the mid 800 range
Is it only me or does 300mg/wk for trt seem really high?
Im on 160mg week now and Its brought my bloods up to the mid 800 range

It's definitely high, this guy has not tested my levels since he started me on it either, I'm just gonna get off and see if I can get my levels back to baseline. I didn't feel bad before I started so hopefully it will be all good. If not, I'll just have to go to a real endocrinologist and have a real doctor fix the problem.
if it were me....I'd still keep the script going though even if you come off. Sure would be nice to have a stockpile of pharma grade test. Especially with all the bunk UGLs around