PCT help


New Member
Looking for some advice regarding pct for a first cycle of sus250 I'm running for 14 weeks 500mg e/w pinned Monday and Thursday. I'm coming up to the end of the cycle in the next month and was just wondering if nolva alone would be enough for pct on a test only cycle. If so how would you dose. I currently have 400mg available in 20s and am looking to get another 400.

From what I'm told it works alot better with clomid. I have also heard that some don't react well to clomid. Clomid is cheap abs readily available. I would try the two together
From what I'm told it works alot better with clomid. I have also heard that some don't react well to clomid. Clomid is cheap abs readily available. I would try the two together

I asked op to post this thread because I always used both, but only because that is what I was told to do.

Anyone know why both should be used?
I asked op to post this thread because I always used both, but only because that is what I was told to do.

Anyone know why both should be used?
@Ozzy619 had posted a link in another thread the other day and in that thread there was much explanation of this.
Unfortunately i can't remember either thread. Maybe he can chime in here.
I'm unaware of any evidence exclusive of speculative rat studies that supports dual SERM therapy.

However also make note of the HUGE difference bt what BR has opined in this comment compared to what is practiced by many BB.

More specifically BR is suggesting the standard dose of each SERM used during dual therapy to be CUT IN HALF to minimize side effects.

This is NOT what many AAS, especially novice, users are practicing.

Crap some of these noobs are maintaining a loading dose of each SERM throughout PCT, with quantities as high as 400mg for Clomid AND 100mg of Tamoxifen, NUTS.

Guys just, KIS and stick with what is evidence based Clomid at 50mg QD
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Clomid and Nolva together imo... 6 week 'low dose' PCT... Read multiple sources claim that anything over 50mg Clomid and 20mg Nolva is ineffective for recovery. Also high dosage equals more sides...

Clomid 50/25/25/25/25/25
Nolvadex 20/20/20/20/10/10
Looking for some advice regarding pct for a first cycle of sus250 I'm running for 14 weeks 500mg e/w pinned Monday and Thursday. I'm coming up to the end of the cycle in the next month and was just wondering if nolva alone would be enough for pct on a test only cycle. If so how would you dose. I currently have 400mg available in 20s and am looking to get another 400.

IMO unless you're really prone to excess estrogen conversion or gyno, 10 mg Nolva would be fine.
20 mg if you want to be on the safe side.