PCT Include (Clomid,HCG,Nolvadex)


New Member
HI Guys

i am at last week of Test Enth

My Test Cycle: Test Enth 500mg/weekly for 13Week

and already have big gynomastia+Testical atrophy

so i need a good PCT please include (HCG-Nolvadex-Clomid)

and what you think about this PCT please

after last Test Enth shot by 2weeks start HCG alone without nolvadex or clomid for 16day

HCG 5000ui every 4days for 16day (4shots in total)

-notice i can only from my country getting HCG 5000ui shots and wont split because its very expensive here

-and need to know please what is best HCG trademark there available here in my country only (Choriomon 5000ui / Profasi 5000ui / Pregnyl 5000ui ) what is best one of these and more effective ?

-Nolvadex and Clomid start together after last shot of HCG by 4days

Nolvadex 20mg for 45day

Clomid 100mg for 30day

so what you think please about this PCT is it good enough to fix this test atrophy and gyno or these better one ?

-and is it good idea to do not take hcg together with nolvadex and clomid ?

-and is 4days after last hcg shot to start clomid/nolvadex is enough period ?

-or its better if took all together in the same time ?

thank you for your time i hope a good answers please as fast possible
You ran an entire 13 week cycle without first educating yourself on how to responsibly execute this cycle, or even how to properly prepare and combat any sides that may develop. Nor did you take time DURING your cycle to inform yourself about the importance of maintaining estrogen levels and including an AI on cycle. And now you have "big" gynecomastia and you think a PCT is the number one priority. Youre a prime example of what NOT to do.

You shouldn't be taking steroids of any kind because youre too fukin stupid. I'll repeat that - youre too fukin stupid to do any sort of AAS and only serve to provide ammunition to those opposed to AAS and its medicinal value. Its one thing to ask for help. But its an entirely different animal to be as clueless and brain dead as you are to carelessly put your health at risk for no reason at all when all this information is freely available at your fingertips if you'd simply put the same effort in as you do to jerk off.
Some advice from Jim as NN has had a bad, or is it a GOOD day. :)

STOP CYCLING NOW that's all the PCT you will need, seriously!

Chose not to follow my advice at your own peril, and your initial post PROVES exactly that!

Some folk should NEVER run AAS and OP your one of them!
He is only 98% stupid. He left at least one week of being on before he asked about pct lol.

But seriously dude read the stickies and help yourself. Handouts aren't popular around here without some time invested.
Stop taking shit and go see your doctor. I am pretty sure you didn't get baseline labs, and you're in serious danger because your entire endocrine axis is fucked up. People like you make AAS users look bad.