pct.when which and what kind


I swear I've read days worth of pct threads. and just when I think I may understand .the rug gets yanked.I've ran several cycles.in past yrs.never used a pct I never had oily skin. pimples.libido issues.and my gear was good.long cycles, I did have nut prob.I was younger dumb and had no idea or internet.now in my 40z I'm reading more and pissed I never took the time to listen to the vetz.4 months ago I got shot almost killed.lost 55 lbs.I'm about to hit it hard just had last sergery i know we all diff ,but if I list my gear, amounts ,how long ,...can someone plz give me a ruff idea.HCG NOVLA AI CLOMID.im so lost.yet educated.I did read pct but idk when to start hcg novla if I need A.I ???long esters 12-14 weeks 24+ days b4 pct .lmao its almost psychotic......
I know it seems there's a def answer and they all legit.and make sence.and that's where my problems starts .all sounding perfectly good & being a grain inspector & not a chem/Doc I get lost in timing of it all. Lol it was easier when we were young & dumb
id say go with torem over clomid. clomis makes me a bitch. also peeps say no nolva in pct siveit lowers igf levels. id blast hcg and run exemstane for estro control with igf boost benefits and torem
Best way it to start with your cycle layout, this will determine your pct timing and how aggressive it needs to be.
This is good Cuz we have an incredible amount of information here.I've been on lotsa dif forums /threads & there's plenty of fakers out there I do believe meso takes the gold in 99% of the categories .we have Dr.and well informed pros that put up info saying hcg 2 weeks b4 last pin and for a few wks after at 250 iuz 3x a wk. Then a type 1 AI during Type 2 after with Nov.so it don't counter act.IVE Never had gyno or estro prob.I do have novla on hand just in case.really I was gona use an AI & hcg on this one.I'm running Balkan dbol and its my first oral so this is the reason for novla on hand sust 250 also Balkan.finish with prop.to extend cycle and ease into end of cycle.I've got 10.000 ius hcg which AI SHould I run I know.type 1&2 .I'm normally 210lbs good diet its been 8 Mo.since last cycle.always long esters never any issues.
I do appreciate the time fellas thanx.I'm not hitting it to hard although I was thinking about a tren ace with it another question where should that go.maybe drop the prop.idk never tried either I'm a dust/cup/enan guy
You are making it wayyy to complicated.
Pros and heavy users are going to be doing all kinds of stuff that a casual user has no need of.
One AI is enough type 1 or 2 doesn't matter other than dosage.
Nolva on hand for gyno sides and for PCT.

Start out laying out you cycle like this
weeks 1-8 500mg test-c per week split in two doses
weeks 1-11 350mg tren a per week 100mg EOD
weeks 1-4 50mg dbol ED
weeks 9-11 350mg test p per week 100mg EOD
weeks 5-11 500ui HCG per week split in two doses
Thanx BIG M I'm gona take ur advice on most I'll tweek some but ur on point with short esters from what I've reserched .I'm just try to educate myself without getting out of control.so that's why I'm making it seem complicated.my bad if I'm repetitive. pct can get unruly lol NOT my first rodeo by no means just my first well planed.where was this shit 20 yrs ago But thanx again BIG
Lmao I didn't want to ask about torem.don't want to get the guys on this topic pissed bouncing around. But I guess its to be expected.can u give me a lil rundown using big mesc's cycle its close to what I'll be slamin.. on how to run torem/exemstane. Start / finish..I'll read up on it myself for sure but a lil kick start won't hurt.thanx alpha50
typically depend on how estro sensitive you are run exemstane for me at 12.5mg eod and torem for four weeks 120/90/90/60 or if a vet chimes in youvan adjust dosage
Not estro sensitive at all..but have Nov anyway and I'll get exam.jic now as for the torem start that when.remember I'm running slow esters for whole cycle and prop in the end..still on fence with the tren. I'd like tren enan but our new super source isn't brewing it now idk if zeuse will or not.
WTF POST YOUR CYCLE!! Ppl can tell you EXACTLY what to do if you post your cycle... Lay it out how bigmesc said
Suck my dick birch I already did asshole if u ain't got nuthin nice to say than don't.if I had ur punk bitch ass in front of me I'd teach ur ass a lesson adults are Talkin
Big mesc already posted what imma do fuck face.dude I swear to god I'd fuckin tear u up for runnin ur cock sucker like that to me..go to another thread duche bag
Dude we're on the internet u illiterate fuck... U dnt look cool. And no you didn't post shit and if u weren't so goddamned stupid you would be able to figure your post cycle out like everyone else. Run arsenic for PCT and die
Rite that's why they have sections like ,help with your pct and books to help ppl everyone is dif.I'm lookin for someone similar to me . dick. I'm old school try in to get educated so if u ain't got patience beat it I wasn't Talkin to you anyway what's wrong your boyfriend doin your best friend.been reading on here for almost 2 1/2 yes finally desided to join and asshole like you gona put a bad taste in new ppl mouth thanx