PD black tops #29

Good job obtaining a IGF baseline.

Points to remember
--- BC the EXACT methods used by analytical labs may vary considerably the REULTS tend to differ between labs AND using the SAME sample AND between individuals

-- The point the objective should be to establish YOUR trend using the same lab

--- MORE specifically that means resist the temptation to compare YOUR results to those of others

----- For those reasons and others IGF is a very imprecise means of GGH quantification

----- Finally absent a formal analytical assay of the vial contents, a more reliable measure of quantification may be achieved by comparing GGH / IGF values to that of Pharma/IGF

I get bloods every 6 months I will retest then. On batch 30 now all seems to be the same, still waking up with freaking hands completely asleep. Will be onto a new batch by then, and will update this thread.
Thanks for posting, bro! I'm running towards the end of 3 kits of batch #29, also.. going to give greys a shot, and see if the sides are the same, for me.. anything over 4iu, and my hands never wake up...