I’m sure you’d agree that someone whose T is normal and who is not symptomatic, but who takes testosterone to achieve a higher but still normal level of total testosterone would be considered someone who is abusing steroids, despite their T still being “normal”.
Yes i agree ofc, i jumped into gear with 650 natural test. I just not pretend i'm doing TRT.. You can't put in the same place people who actually are hypogonadal and they are in need for test replacement with guys that wanna get jacked with supraphysiological levels.
I'm not bashing anyone who does that since i'm doing it too, just don't use that term because it relates to something else and it's not fair for the people with low test being in the same category with us using various anabolics and call it a trt.
And the opposite is true. Some people get symptomatic relief from supraphysiological total T.
And some people get relief to their problems by shooting H..are we ok with that too? The term "supraphysiological TT" is very vague, it can be from 1000ng/dl to infinity. If someone feels best at 1000 then so be it, but here we have 25 year old guys that feel the best with 3000ng/dl and wanna permablast (this is true, not hypothetical), do you think this is normal? Do you justify this?
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