Peak levels after Test cyp injection?


New Member
i just did a 100 mg shot wednesday, when does it peak? i may get blood work done today just to see where i am at highest( 48 hours after inj)..
does enanthate peak the same time as cyp ?
Unless your attempts are to verify a genuine produt was used your throwing money down the drain. STEADY STATE levels should be obtained no earlier than three half lives (18 days) and preferably 5 half lives (30 days).
Unless your attempts are to verify a genuine produt was used your throwing money down the drain. STEADY STATE levels should be obtained no earlier than three half lives (18 days) and preferably 5 half lives (30 days).

his question was when will his shot peak, and it will peak at about 48 hours. From his post it sounds like he is obviously already on TRT and has built stable serum levels. even if you take other factors in to account, like what muscle he injected age blah blah blah 98% of guys will be within 5% of their peak within that time.
I suspect your overlooking my point, which is the efficacy of a drug (AAS are no exception) is primarily determined by its steady state rather than peak concentrations. That's because peak values vary according to volume of distribution, immediate dosage, GI absorption (for oral meds), protein binding (or absence of), elimination kenetics etc, etc. Steady state levels have already reached an relative equilibrium with the above factors and are primarily the consequence of half life and the dosage used.
Consequently steady state instead of peak values should be used to adjust one's dosage.
I suspect your overlooking my point, which is the efficacy of a drug (AAS are no exception) is primarily determined by its steady state rather than peak concentrations. That's because peak values vary according to volume of distribution, immediate dosage, GI absorption (for oral meds), protein binding (or absence of), elimination kenetics etc, etc. Steady state levels have already reached an relative equilibrium with the above factors and are primarily the consequence of half life and the dosage used.
Consequently steady state instead of peak values should be used to adjust one's dosage.

Yes correct, that was not the question though.

PS although peak values vary, your talking about a VERY VERY small difference in peak, a difference so small it is negligible. He never said he was going to adjust his dose from it, he said he wanted to know how high his TT levels were getting.
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Your not suggesting the difference between peak and steady state values are small are you? Peak values ARE NOT helpful when managing AAS so why acquire them?
Your not suggesting the difference between peak and steady state values are small are you? Peak values ARE NOT helpful when managing AAS so why acquire them?

No Im suggesting the differences in peak values are small :p

I dont disagree with you, but sometimes its nice to know how far your driving them up....... i mean you can guess and come close but it just seemed to me like the OP was curious.
Your not suggesting the difference between peak and steady state values are small are you? Peak values ARE NOT helpful when managing AAS so why acquire them?

yes, valleys are probably a more important consideration, one wants to get to a point where most days are within range rather than worry too much about the fact that your levels from a shot are at their highest 2 days after the shot
Unless your attempts are to verify a genuine produt was used your throwing money down the drain. STEADY STATE levels should be obtained no earlier than three half lives (18 days) and preferably 5 half lives (30 days).

Is this true even when you are injecting every six days? is probabally the least reliable reference for medication pharmokinetics I'm aware of on the net, Dr.Sally posted a real time human study on T Cypionate a few months ago in which the half life was between 5-6 days. Dr Scally could your post that article once again please.
Jim is probabally the least reliable reference for medication pharmokinetics I'm aware of on the net, Dr.Sally posted a real time human study on T Cypionate a few months ago in which the half life was between 5-6 days. Dr Scally could your post that article once again please.

Who, that you're aware of, is the "[most] reliable reference for medication pharmokinetics....[ ] on the net"? :)