personal log, road to first competition 2024 autumn


ok so this might be completely useless for most but i hope some bored older members might chime in with some good advice
what happened so far:
-started current cycle on the last week of november, plan to blast until may, have a 6-8 week break on TRT (i know it's short, i want to floor as much as i can until the show)
-starting weight : 93kg or 205 lbs
current cycle:
- started the week with 600 NPP / 450 Masteron / 1000 test but started to feel lethargic and unmotivated abt a week ago which I attribute to the NPP dose which was raised from 450 to 600 10 days ago
-currently on (as of yesterday) 300 NPP 1000 Test 750 Mast
-running GH as well, started from 2iu, now on 10 iu for the past 2 weeks
-aromasin 10mg/day since test upped to 1000
-current weight 102 kg
sides im dealing with now:
-CTS, constant hand numbness especially at night
-heartburn after almost each meal
-sleep's getting worse, i think this one's due to the high test, it's not tren-terrible but on the edge of acceptable (avrg 5-6 hrs of sleep, i dont ever sleep more than 6-7 hrs even when im off)
training: doing a pull push leg split
monday back + biceps, tuesday: chest tri shoulders, wed: legs, thu: back + bi, fri: chest tri shoulders, sat: lagging bodyparts, abs (arms rn)
15 min cardio after each workout
sides im dealing with now:
-CTS, constant hand numbness especially at night
-heartburn after almost each meal
-sleep's getting worse, i think this one's due to the high test, it's not tren-terrible but on the edge of acceptable (avrg 5-6 hrs of sleep, i dont ever sleep more than 6-7 hrs even when im off)
The dramatic increase is hgh i would say is where that crazy fatigue is occuring. 2 upped 10 iu is a big difference and would cause that.
Sounds like a great log, you have before pics? And then would love to see after?
Not sure if it didint upload or my browser is fing with me
So first pic was taken in september, end of cutting, was about 84-5 kgs there (gained abt 8 during cruise, mostly i think due to overdieting)
Second one was taken yesterday


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update: since i backed down with NPP to 50mg ED my mood noticeably went up, maybe the masteron helped it a bit too.
The lethargy i was talking about was probably the lack of motivation from NPP and the tiredness from GH. Since the former went away the latter is much more tolerable, I'm expecting it to come and I have the motivation to fight my lead eyelids

Switched with my training method as well, for the past 15 years my progressive overload was basically beating the logbook mindlessly, like there's no god but numbers. It resulted in a lot of ego lifting and sometimes bad technique that I've known about but correcting it would result in "Lower numbers" in the logbook so I couldn't let it go.

Now finally I managed to get rid of my compulsiveness, started a new log with blank sheets, no color marking the extra or the missing reps, no looking at last weeks numbers, now I concentrate on perfect form, mind muscle connection, slow negatives and dont give a shit what weight i'm using (except for bech press, i've saved that as a guilty pleasure, ego lifting exercise as that' my favorite and that's how I like to do it)

Also a new regiment I started: the midday GH shot goes in my biceps (man it was weird the first couple of times) to harness some possible localized effect.
some words about nutrition:
rn i have a 2 low, 3 medium and 2 high days

I eat about a kilo of meat (mostly chicken breast, lean beef and fish every now and then), almost a kilo of veggies (rn it's spinach only for the past 2 months, i fucking love spinach) and abt 100gs of whey protein powder which goes in my morning and evening oatmels.

On high days I eat 300gs of rice 110gs of oats (sometimes i sprinkle in 40-50gs of raisins)
low days 120g rice 80g oats
medium day 180g rice 80g oats

I eat the same meals basically every day 5 times with varying amounts of rice and 2 times (morning and evening) some oats with whey
The cycle is heavy..
My only question is why you only ran the Primo for 5 weeks..? For me thays when im noticing it working.
And godbless you for being able to run NPP over 400 with out the mental sides being to much.. npp is in my top 3 favorites for growing but over 300-350mg I start to get very depressed,jealous and even edgy..
It seems to be working ok for you though. I personally would have things different but that's because I we all respond different to compounds.
I'm not sure what your goal is as far as weight but from your diet log it looks to me like if you pushed more food you would respond and grow more.. you did a good job tracking weight and cals daily imo
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The cycle is heavy..
My only question is why you only ran the Primo for 5 weeks..? For me thays when im noticing it working.
And godbless you for being able to run NPP over 400 with out the mental sides being to much.. npp is in my top 3 favorites for growing but over 300-350mg I start to get very depressed,jealous and even edgy..
There’s nothing I love more than a guy on hormones thats jealous and edgy. Can we get you a podcast or tv show?
I can't make heads or tails of what's going on with the cycle I'm seeing numbers everywhere.. Nothing against your layout but too much for my brain..

What I would personally do with this physique is this..
Test 750mg weekly
Mast 350mg weekly
Drop the NPP for now and lower HGH to 6iu..get the lethargy under control then start uppig the dose every 2-3weeks add the NPP etc you will be back to these doses..WITH MORE Gains and not feel shit on the way..
I can't make heads or tails of what's going on with the cycle I'm seeing numbers everywhere.. Nothing against your layout but too much for my brain..

What I would personally do with this physique is this..
Test 750mg weekly
Mast 350mg weekly
Drop the NPP for now and lower HGH to 6iu..get the lethargy under control then start uppig the dose every 2-3weeks add the NPP etc you will be back to these doses..WITH MORE Gains and not feel shit on the way..
Dropped npp to 350 weekly and everything’s rainbow and sunshine now, no need to drop anything further
Bear in mind that my philosophy rn is “most tolerable dose” instead of “least effective” (i consider it a personal experiment, in my 15years of being on and off i never went beyond 1g of gear/week, want to see whats over the dark side)