Pharmacom Labs Support Issues


New Member
Hey Guys,

Is anyone else having serious issue with Pharmacom support? I made a large order and half of my items were missing, due to stealth shipping they sent me just packaging for everything in one package, then oils in another. The third contained only 3 items and the rest were no where to be found. I followed everything they request to submit on the website. It took over 3 weeks just to get a response from someone. I have been going back and forth with them and for a simple resolution it is going on almost 2 months now they cannot resolve my issue. Last I heard was this is high priority for us to resolve the issue after watching my submitted videos. Now I haven't heard back in a week again. This is very bad customer service, not sure what happened with this lab they were always so good and fast. I am more upset that my whole timeline got screwed up with their mistake now they cannot even resolve it in reasonable amount of time.

Anyone else having the same issue with this lab?

Hey Guys,

Is anyone else having serious issue with Pharmacom support? I made a large order and half of my items were missing, due to stealth shipping they sent me just packaging for everything in one package, then oils in another. The third contained only 3 items and the rest were no where to be found. I followed everything they request to submit on the website. It took over 3 weeks just to get a response from someone. I have been going back and forth with them and for a simple resolution it is going on almost 2 months now they cannot resolve my issue. Last I heard was this is high priority for us to resolve the issue after watching my submitted videos. Now I haven't heard back in a week again. This is very bad customer service, not sure what happened with this lab they were always so good and fast. I am more upset that my whole timeline got screwed up with their mistake now they cannot even resolve it in reasonable amount of time.

Anyone else having the same issue with this lab?

Why is this in a steroids pictures forum?
2018-2019 they were great. The clen was great. Then during covid it took them 4 months to send me some Clen before LOL and when I got it it didn't do anything .I complained about it and they just didn't really care. Funny thing is shortly after that they announced that the clen raws are crap and they weren't going to produce it anymore. They did send me some free Winstrol with the clen after I waited 4 months.
Between support, prices, the multitude of MUCH better domestic sources (international as well) and whatever quality issues pharmacom currently has, I am baffled that people still use this source.

It would be great if PC could be in the conversation of good, solid vendors but they simply are not, at least not anymore. It's beyond obvious that anyone purchasing PC products are wasting money and time.

I guess some folks just have a weird fetish for hearing money being flushed down a toilet. I guess I've heard of worse...
ok, I get confused because there used to be multiple shops.
I guess you and @Deezznutzz are saying the brand name Pharmacom has turned to shit.

My 'like button' has disappeared otherwise I would have used it. Thanks for explaining.
The company page basicstero/pharmacom customer service.
Between support, prices, the multitude of MUCH better domestic sources (international as well) and whatever quality issues pharmacom currently has, I am baffled that people still use this source.

It would be great if PC could be in the conversation of good, solid vendors but they simply are not, at least not anymore. It's beyond obvious that anyone purchasing PC products are wasting money and time.

I guess some folks just have a weird fetish for hearing money being flushed down a toilet. I guess I've heard of worse...
Agree 100%.

If you have a promo sale and your pack gets seized, you’re only sent the original order with no bonus. They tried to say their company will lose money as it’s too expensive. If QSC can sell vials of test for $7 and make a profit, there’s zero excuse for these dipshits to sell it for $70 and say they’re losing money.
Agree 100%.

If you have a promo sale and your pack gets seized, you’re only sent the original order with no bonus. They tried to say their company will lose money as it’s too expensive. If QSC can sell vials of test for $7 and make a profit, there’s zero excuse for these dipshits to sell it for $70 and say they’re losing money.
Good points. Again, my like button disappears on some threads for some reason, otherwise, I just would have 'liked' your post.
after using them exclusively for 3 years (spent close to $2,500) I stopped after their BS leaking stoppers and refusing to send replacement product.