Pharmacom test e 300


Stats: 28 yrs old male
192lbs 5'11" 13%bf
Bloods drawn at week 9 about 40 hours from last injection.
Cycle was pharmacom test e at 600mg per week split into 300mg pin every Sunday and Wednesday. Pharmacom adex .5mg e3d.
Base numbers for total test was 697
And e2 was at 23.
The way my doctor sends me these results, I can only screenshot so many test results at a time. I can post other results if needed but everything else came back with in normal range. I also have screenshots of my base levels if someone really needs to see them.
Anyways I'm very happy with my results. I have upped my adex to .5 mg ed now as my e2 was pretty high. I didn't experience any symptoms or signs of gyno.Screenshot_2016-03-14-18-54-00.png
Good #'s. You could prob get by on .5 mg eod with your adex instead of going all the way to ed since you were previously doing e3d. But further blood work would be best to confirm. Many mixed reviews on pharmacom adex. I prefer pharmacy grade ancillaries for this reason.