Bull fucking shit you goddamn liar. You have to be invited to even get in there. Gee I wonder how that happened dont fucking lie. Ur a snake in the grass bitch who plays nice privately and then does this shit. Ur a joke bro. And thats a fact. Just cause u got ur brothers fooled into thinking u arnt.
I'm done w this riff raff bb can deal with you I'm busy filling orders.
@BigBird183 will you kindly go over there and read mindless Intro and tell us who he said invited him. Anyway it doesn't matter he didn't bash you over there. And I have only invited 3 people and they just got there 3 days ago. Lol. None of them has even seen the shit storm that happened over there. Haha your out of the loop because no one likes you enough to keep you around.