Pin Sizes

I don't need to use a pin to draw. I use a luer-lock vial adapter that the syringe screws into without a needle. After drawing into the syringe I attach the pin. It's super convenient.
For injection I use 25g
Draw with 18G. Inject with 25G 5/8th. Been on TRT 10 years. Use this for glutes. 1 injection a week on Mondays. Considering switching 2x a week injections into delts for TRT. Would likely go 29g 1/2 inch into opposing delts on mon-thurs. Only blast once a year and test/anavar. For that protocol I would do opposing glutes mon-thurs with 25g
After years of pinning, I've found my protocol... and it's the protocol of a wimp.

Whether it's daily injections or twice weekly injections, here is what I use:

Green 21G (1 inch) needle for withdrawing
Purple 24G (1.25 inch) needle for injecting

I would inject using blues. But I only have a few injection sites I like to use (because they tend to have the least amount of PIP/discomfort the following day), and use a 5ml to slam everything in.

Now I'll break it up into maximum 2.5ml in a 3ml barrel and make multiple injections.

My sites:
Ventroglutes (both)
Glutes (both)
Quads (both)
Delts (both)
Tris (infrequently)
sometimes chest, but it really depends on if it's something like a 50mg/ml water based solution. But I haven't done that in a long time (as it was more of an experiment).

But yeah, pinning with purples into ventros twice a week, no stinging, no pip, no discomfort, deep enough not to leave a lump. Perfect spot to inject in my humble opinion. So whether it's 100mg/ml solution for 400mg/ml solution, as long as the barrel is <3ml - it tends to go in pretty quickly.
What are you pinning? I currently have Test Prop and Mast P and I am a bit worried about pain. Im new to the game and hear, Test Prop in particular, gives terrible pip. Would your protocol mitigate that issue?