Pinned too much on accident. What to do now? (First cycle)


New Member
I started my first cycle today. Im using 300mg of test c and 200mg of mast e a week. I'm pinning eod so abt 85mg of test and 60mg of mast per pin. I pinned my test first but realised afterwards that I had made a calculation error and I had pinned 225mg instead of 85mg. After realising this I pinned the normal 60mg of mast. Should I just continue pinning as planned or pin test a little less for a week?
You’ll be fine, in fact some people frontload extra their first week or two so they reach full saturation quicker. Just continue as normal imo
I started my first cycle today. Im using 300mg of test c and 200mg of mast e a week. I'm pinning eod so abt 85mg of test and 60mg of mast per pin. I pinned my test first but realised afterwards that I had made a calculation error and I had pinned 225mg instead of 85mg. After realising this I pinned the normal 60mg of mast. Should I just continue pinning as planned or pin test a little less for a week?
Who suggested you pin EOD on those esters? 2x a week is good and won't fluctuate your levels too much.
I just read that you should inject more frequently to achieve more stable hormone levels and lower e2. I want to keep my e2 stable since I'm not using an ai.
With those eaters and that dose make it easier on yourself and do like Mon, Wed, Fri. Should be plenty stable