PIP in GSO vs MCT combining


New Member
I get some PIP from MCT oil. It’s not terrible, but I get like a little ball or bump at the injection site and it hurts a little bit. This doesn’t happen with GSO. And in fact, when I combine my MCT Test with just half a mL of GSO EQ, it gets rid of the PIP. Anyone else have this experience? At least I know how to use my MCT test now. I’m getting some more GSO Test E sent to me. But I’m sorta not sure if I like EQ. So I may have to just deal with the PIP one last time.
Need more information.

Whats the mg per ml of your Test? I am assuming its a higher dose? Mct oil is known to be smooth/less/no pip for most people.

A lot of people have success cutting pippy gear with EQ, regardless of GSO.

Also, you can always just buy some GSO and cut your pippy gear with it instead of adding another compound.
Need more information.

Whats the mg per ml of your Test? I am assuming its a higher dose? Mct oil is known to be smooth/less/no pip for most people.

A lot of people have success cutting pippy gear with EQ, regardless of GSO.

Also, you can always just buy some GSO and cut your pippy gear with it instead of adding another compound.
Interesting. Its 250 Test C MCT. The EQ is 300 GSO. Wouldn’t i have to sterilize the GSO if I were to buy it? Where do you get that? Like a raw dealer?
Adding a pip free compound to a pippy compound can definitely offset the pip of just straight what ever gave you pip.

It’s why only men pin dhb not mixed with test
I always get slight pip from TE/TC no matter the oil or lab and yes concentration is 250mg/ml.

Same lab, same oil, yet TC is giving me a slight pip while TU I don't even feel I injected anything the next day.