Planning 2nd Cycle, need advice.


Well-known Member
Right now I've got my training dialed in and my diet pretty on point. I'm prepping all meals and carb cycling. Right now I'm trying to trim off a little more fat for summer while my shoulder heals so I'm more cardio focused. I do 30 minutes of hard-ish cardio (6mph on a pretty heavy incline) then my regular lifting routine and so far I'm getting the results I desire.

My first cycle was
1-10 500mg Test-E
11-12 500mg Test-P
9-12 50mg anavar

Did 1mg of adex a week split into 3 dosages, but felt like I didn't really need it.

Nolva and Clomid.

Got a blood test and my test level was 680, I'm 28 year old male who probably fucked up his levels a bit from years of opiate abuse.

Finished my PCT at the end of jan. So June would be 4 months after PCT, 5 months after the end of the cycle. I plan to give myself those 2 months to let the shoulder tendon fully heal and transition into eating excess calories naturally before adding the gear.

For a 2nd cycle, I'm thinking of adding a 2nd compound. I used to have hep c, I had it cured, I never had any liver damage at all to begin with, and my blood test should everything was perfect...BUT it still seems silly to risk an oral (besides anavar) and I'm not scared of needles. I don't really want to risk the hairline with mast. My first cycle was mainly a cutting cycle, and it got the job done and introduced me to learning how my body responded to anabolics. This time though I want some real growth. For this reason I chose Deca, but decided to go with NPP. Originally my plan was Test-P alongside NPP for 10-12 weeks but that would be 1ml a day... not too crazy but people always say pinning that often gets annoying and I reckon I'll take that advice.

So here's my questions
1. Sounds like a good combo for a 2nd cycle? Would you recommend any other stack?
2. Ratio of test to npp? I hear all kinds of different answers! I want to prevent Deca-dick, lol! It seems like logically you would want to do more test less Deca then right? So I was thinking just like 500mg of test-e since I know how I responded, then 350mg of Deca, or even less but 350mg is easy to dose.
3. I have Nolva, Clomid, Adex already on hand. I know most people on this board use adex but on a lot of more novice steroid boards I notice people on beginning cycles doing the 12.5mg of amarosin. I do NOT want gyno so I was thinking of maybe trying the amarosin since it seems harder to tank your E but at least I'd have the adex around if I felt I needed a stronger AI, along with nolva incase of a gyno flare. What about caber or prami? I hear these most often mentioned with tren but NPP is a 19nor too. From what I've researched I probably won't need it on a small dose but it probably couldn't hurt to keep around in case of prolactin related issues, right? Any recommendations regarding which one of the two to chose, caber or prami?
4. I didn't kickstart my cycle last time with an oral or short acting ester and I wish I would have. Would NPP act like test P and kick in right away? Or would I benefit from running a few weeks ot Test P along with the NPP while the test-e builds up?
5. I liked how switching to the prop at the end worked last time, so I figured I'd do it with the test E again, would this be fine?
1-10 test e 500mg
11-12 test p 500mg
1-12 npp <whatever>
And is 12 weeks a smart idea?

Thank you ahead of time
A lot to unpack here.

Nothing wrong with NPP, doesn’t need to be ED though. Just EOD it with the test. Since you’re using prop already, consider using it upfront too while the E loads since you’ve chosen 12 weeks.

Starting at 350 for NPP sounds good; if you’re not prone to side, 1:1 may work. But since it’s short estered you can always drop it down and be back quick.
Yeah I planned on doing EOD 100mg NPP. I don't do test E EOD though, I was just doing 1ml (250mg) twice a week. Like Monday morning/thursday night. That's pretty normal right?

Yeah I wanted to front load with test P. I'll do the homework on half-lives and get the amounts right.

I've heard shit like tren and high dose deca shuts you down bad along with longer cycles. I don't know what "longer" is though or if there is any truth to it. Seems like it would make running EQ kinda risky since it's usually done in 16 week cycles plus takes a long time to clear, that's a long time of not producing.

Oh yeah, gonna run HCG too. It's so easy to get and seems 100% beneficial.

Thanks, man, appreciate it. Changed up my routine today and did the leg extensions before squat like in your logs, never done ore-exhaustion techniques on legs before and it definitely got me there. Total stimulation instead obsessing over the numbers.
I’m not an expert.
I’m currently doing a test e/npp run.
Doing both eod. I started the test 1 week earlier and did a slight front load of 2.5x my eod for the first shot. So for you at 500mg your eod would be 142 x 2.5 is 357mg.
According to the steroid graphs this would have both my compounds peaking at about the same time.
The last 10wks I add the hcg.
Anyways, maybe something to look into.
NPP will do exactly what Deca would, it just clears faster.

If you’re looking for a more mild second cycle than that, try EQ instead, but as you say you’d need 14-16 weeks to really get the full benefit. A lot of guys don’t recommend deca if you are PCTing, though that might be an extreme view. You can PCT off Deca (I’ve done it) and never being shut down helps (with hcg).
Hmm, yeah. It's fuckin' nuts, man, I read some of the other gear forums with young guys (like fitmisc), those guys are running tren on their first cycle! Going over a gram on their 2nd cycle. How are those kids going to be doing at age 40? There's so many guys on here in their 40s that look insane, I wanna have that longevity. So I tend to take advice from here with more weight. The general idea I seem to get is that you wanna ramp up your gear use slowly so you always have somewhere to go, instead of going right into the deep end. So maybe 19nors should be saved for later. Would be way less pinning per week to run EQ as well plus no prolactin issues. Maybe I'll look into a prop or oral kicker. Everyone seems to love dbol so much maybe I could give it a try in low dose.
I’m only on my 2nd cycle. In my mind the secret to longevity is finding the minimum effective does required to elicit the desired outcome. Then there’s always room to grow. As far as ai goes heres a quote
Attempt to avoid the use of aromatase inhibitors at all costs unless absolutely necessary. If the use of an aromatase inhibitor is necessary, utilize it only when required, and attempt the lowest possible dose for the purpose of Estrogen control rather than Estrogen elimination.”
It’s from here Aromasin Dosage
Hmm, yeah. It's fuckin' nuts, man, I read some of the other gear forums with young guys (like fitmisc), those guys are running tren on their first cycle! Going over a gram on their 2nd cycle. How are those kids going to be doing at age 40? There's so many guys on here in their 40s that look insane, I wanna have that longevity. So I tend to take advice from here with more weight. The general idea I seem to get is that you wanna ramp up your gear use slowly so you always have somewhere to go, instead of going right into the deep end. So maybe 19nors should be saved for later. Would be way less pinning per week to run EQ as well plus no prolactin issues. Maybe I'll look into a prop or oral kicker. Everyone seems to love dbol so much maybe I could give it a try in low dose.
The liver toxicity of Dbol and Anadrol is a bit overstated. Get pre-bloods. Run it at a reasonable dose for the right time period. Use some tudca. Run bloods a few weeks later.
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I’m only on my 2nd cycle. In my mind the secret to longevity is finding the minimum effective does required to elicit the desired outcome. Then there’s always room to grow. As far as ai goes heres a quote
Attempt to avoid the use of aromatase inhibitors at all costs unless absolutely necessary. If the use of an aromatase inhibitor is necessary, utilize it only when required, and attempt the lowest possible dose for the purpose of Estrogen control rather than Estrogen elimination.”
It’s from here Aromasin Dosage

Quote from what? What is the reasoning in this quote behind minimizing the AI?
Oops. Looks like my link didn’t take.

I used the quote because OP says he started on an ai and felt he didn’t need it.
I also referenced the link (or tried to) because it specifically deals with aromasin. Something OP was asking about
Hmm, yeah. It's fuckin' nuts, man, I read some of the other gear forums with young guys (like fitmisc), those guys are running tren on their first cycle! Going over a gram on their 2nd cycle. How are those kids going to be doing at age 40? There's so many guys on here in their 40s that look insane, I wanna have that longevity. So I tend to take advice from here with more weight. The general idea I seem to get is that you wanna ramp up your gear use slowly so you always have somewhere to go, instead of going right into the deep end. So maybe 19nors should be saved for later. Would be way less pinning per week to run EQ as well plus no prolactin issues. Maybe I'll look into a prop or oral kicker. Everyone seems to love dbol so much maybe I could give it a try in low dose.

I still PCT and I usually do test and EQ for my base. Dbol for the first 4 weeks is fine, low dose while test builds.

Done prop kickers too.

I’ve frontloaded EQ before, hard to say if it helped. I’m Sure it did, but nothing crazy.

At the end of the day, I always go back to long esters without anything fancy. Just stop the EQ 2-3 weeks before last dose of test so it starts clearing sooner.
For a second cycle I'd just do exactly what you did for your first. No sense fixing what isn't broken. You can always bump the test up to 750 if you really feel the need.

NPP is great, but short ester or not it's a bit rougher to recover from. No sense using it if you don't have to, IMO.
Right on, probably just gonna stick to Test and EQ and maybe an oral kicker like Dbol. I'll save the 19nor for later. People say EQ has to be ran long but it doesn't take any many more weeks to kick in than test E, does it? People do 10 week cycles of test E so would a 12 week of EQ be fine?