Planning my 4th cycle - should I add NPP?


New Member
I'm mid 20s, recreational lifter. I have a few cycles under my belt (well technically BnC after a failed PCT). I've done test/dbol, test/deca/dbol, test/eq/var. Nothing over 500mg/week.

My PCT was solid back in October and hormones levels are back to normal confirmed by bloods. AST and ALT was up to 120s in the summer but they're both back under 50 now. Doing a second follow up of bloods in a few weeks to double check October's bloods. My resting heart rate hit 90 during last cycle. Back down to the 60s now. Hoping to get to the 50s before hoping on again.

Training has been shit for the latter chunk of the COVID lockdowns in Canada. My gym is reopening for the first time in 2 years next week. Been training at home but after 18 months of lockdowns I got unmotivated. Dropped lifting and just trained MMA/cardio behind closed doors at local MMA gym. Super miserable experience.

Going to train steady at public gym for first 2-3 months back to get into the swing of things as things open up, aiming for Feb start. Thinking 250-350 test e per week and 20mg of dbol pre workout on training days. This is a bulk (my cuts are primarily diet based, no reliance on PEDs). I don't want to add in deca because I'd like to PCT so if anything I'd add in NPP, like 200 per week for 6 weeks. Probably will turn it into a BnC for 1-2 years til I can hit the dang 6 plate DL as a skinny boi then PCT and think about having a kid.

PCT is the dumbest thing anyone would do.

to each his own. Once you hit the dark side; you can’t go back. you’ll go skinny to big then skinny again.. no one hold muscle naturally
It kinda sounds like you don't mind the bloat... test, nandrolone, dbol are probably the bloatiest compounds but you will grow. Maybe for a skinny 20-something year old it doesn't matter. And other than the bloat, nandrolone is great for bulking and pretty hair safe too except for the sexual sides. And the sexual sides are different for everybody. Hopefully you don't experience them at 200mg. I think it's a good addition.
What is it about NPP that you think it’ll be easier to PCT than using deca?
Lower half life means it'll be out of the system quicker. Similar to switching from test cyp to test prop (or any shorter ester) for the last couple weeks before PCT. If you graph the half lifes you'll see what I mean. I'm also a data nerd so you prob don't care to mess around with graphs lol.

In my experience, after taking deca, I need to be off for 2 months before PCTing. Similar to EQ of course. Most people on here say to not take EQ or Deca if you plan on PCTing. I had to run 1-2 months of test only after deca to have a successful PCT.

I like short esters at end of cycle so I don't have to wait so long to PCT. Makes it easier to keep gains in my experience.

@Nolij meh, I just thought if i'm going through nearly 2 years of lockdown, i'd hop off. no sense of being on gear if i'm not training at my best.
Lower half life means it'll be out of the system quicker. Similar to switching from test cyp to test prop (or any shorter ester) for the last couple weeks before PCT. If you graph the half lifes you'll see what I mean. I'm also a data nerd so you prob don't care to mess around with graphs lol.

In my experience, after taking deca, I need to be off for 2 months before PCTing. Similar to EQ of course. Most people on here say to not take EQ or Deca if you plan on PCTing. I had to run 1-2 months of test only after deca to have a successful PCT.
I am intimately familiar with steroid plotter. The reason I asked the question about PCT with NPP vs ND is because you said you wanted to PCT. You PCT with the same protocol on NPP and ND, the only difference the clearance rate. The way you worded your post made me think you believe that you CAN PCT with NPP but cannot PCT with ND. I have never seen anyone argue that you don't run PCT with ND, I have seen plenty of people mention not to run nandrolone if you plan to PCT, because it is a much harsher drug and is much harder to have a full HPGA restart after running 19-nors.

If you simply want to run your PCT sooner, then yes, NPP is better than ND. However, keep in mind nandrolone metabolites can stick around for up to 18 months, regardless of ester.
It kinda sounds like you don't mind the bloat... test, nandrolone, dbol are probably the bloatiest compounds but you will grow. Maybe for a skinny 20-something year old it doesn't matter. And other than the bloat, nandrolone is great for bulking and pretty hair safe too except for the sexual sides. And the sexual sides are different for everybody. Hopefully you don't experience them at 200mg. I think it's a good addition.
IME, bloat is mostly caused due to poor diet. I cut 20 lbs this year on NPP and test. First time in my life ever having a 6 pack.
IME, bloat is mostly caused due to poor diet. I cut 20 lbs this year on NPP and test. First time in my life ever having a 6 pack.
There's definately some water retention... when you put on 5lbs in the first week and your face looks like a puffer fish it's not just what you ate.
There's definately some water retention... when you put on 5lbs in the first week and your face looks like a puffer fish it's not just what you ate.
Like I said, in my experience, water retention is almost purely caused by diet. I didn't put on any weight, in fact I cut 20 lbs and never got moon faced or anything like that