Platinum Labs

Here is the current data we have on our test e:

IR spectroscopy:


13C NMR:

Dude that's great you think you could arrange for more NRMs to be conducted on samples Meso
members submitted?

I mean what they cost only a few hundred bucks right?

Oh yea how about posting the genuine NMR report rather than someones stupid chicken scratch, LMAO.

Now WTF is a spectrograph included with an NMR, you dumb ass!
Dude that's great you think you could arrange for more NRMs to be conducted on samples Meso
members submitted?

I mean what they cost only a few hundred bucks right?

Oh yea how about posting the genuine NMR report rather than someones stupid chicken scratch, LMAO.

Now WTF is a spectrograph included with an NMR, you dumb ass!
^^^^^ @Platinum-Labs ^^^^^
Why is it that most labs say they'll "post pics LATER" ? If you already have pics to share then why would you have to wait ? To me, it seems almost as if they have to search images to find one.

If theres a genuine reason someone let me know
If you've been in business that long you know what's going on with your product and you had the feedback and bloods pics and everything else at your disposal to make adjustments I'm just a guy with goals and looking to make them realities and ugls think the risk is theirs alone,we put this shit in our bodies with the hope (and hope is all it is even with labs and testing) That there is a few real motherfuckers out to be profitable that means return business without quality it's just another pyramid concept to make fast money and run if you have a code you live by and produce quality the real profit comes unlike some big talking internet dude that can't sell local because that means you have to have grit face to face when something goes wrong not say shit don't happen real men and salesman alike experience this and own it then fix and don't dodge the facts that's one small part of assessing if someone's on the level I hope your the really type good sources are always welcome with me if that's what you are
Platinum:Why wait years to make your 1/2 ass appearance on Meso? If you have been around for years-you know about Meso.So why not be ready for the heat? Looks like the Squirrel jumped a little too quick for the Nut!! Your lab don't impress me.
I think you're missing the point.
At MESO, to us, you ARE "other labs", so what you "say" doesn't really concern us, it's what you're willing and capable of proving.

Golly guys what more could you want from us, a REAL NMR lol!
Our autoclave in our Kazakhstan lab:
Hey look everybody, this is MY autoclave in my basement:

Don't you believe me?