Please Help me - Very painful Final product

Like i said, just guessing. It's probably not the best idea to use a one-for-all approach and heat everything up to 100C for up to 40 minutes. I think 1% vs 2% BA does make a difference. Some people are more sensitive or even allergic to it. I can tolerate 2% BA too, but i prefer to use less if i can get away with it.

But yeah, who knows. Maybe OP should just switch to MCT and it would solve all his problems.
Can you explain how stirring longer could possibly cause pip? I never said anything about heating it.

I think the reports of pip from 2% would be astronomical I'd that were the cause. Considering this exact recipe is used by dozens of ugls.
I never said anything about heating it.

Heating it longer or stirring it longer wouldn't affect pip

And i've never said that stirring it longer would cause PIP. But i could imagine that heating it for 45 minutes to 100c could cause some damage to oil or raws, especially if OP uses a one-for-all recipe for homebrewing. Which could maybe cause PIP.

1. Grape Seed Oil and Raw Material:
- Temperature: 100°C
- Duration: 45 minutes

- Using a magnetic stirrer at 1000 RPM
I am using the same recipe for all testosterone esters and their derivatives.

Today I will follow your suggestion of adding: raw material, grape seed oil, and I will reduce from 2 to 1% BA and from 20 to 10% BB and mix everything together for a short time until it is homogeneous without traces of the powder into the mixture. And between 40ºC ~ 50ºC I believe to be a safe temperature for BA since the evaporation point of alcohol is 78ºC.

And thank you very much my friend for your interaction and all the help you provided.

end result man? better? worst?
end result man? better? worst?
Unfortunately, the situation has not improved. Persistent discomfort appears to be directly related to the raw material of Testosterone Enanthate. So far, no other compound – not even Testosterone Propionate or Trenbolone – has caused discomfort as intense as this.

Although my supplier in China has always been on time with shipments and their hormone tests have shown excellent and consistent results, the quality of Enanthate has proven unsustainable due to this discomfort. It's a frustrating situation, I'm looking for an effective and comfortable solution.

So I'm asking for help once again. Anyone who knows reliable suppliers that offer high quality raw materials and can ship to Brazil would be immensely grateful if you could share this information.

In advance, I deeply thank you for everyone's attention and help. any guidance will be valuable at this crucial time.
What is it about Testosteron Enanthate lately? Everyone I know that brews it has SERIOUS pip from it. It's no joke too, OUCH! I switched to Test Cyp because of it, I'll never use Test E again.
Unfortunately, the situation has not improved. Persistent discomfort appears to be directly related to the raw material of Testosterone Enanthate. So far, no other compound – not even Testosterone Propionate or Trenbolone – has caused discomfort as intense as this.

Although my supplier in China has always been on time with shipments and their hormone tests have shown excellent and consistent results, the quality of Enanthate has proven unsustainable due to this discomfort. It's a frustrating situation, I'm looking for an effective and comfortable solution.

So I'm asking for help once again. Anyone who knows reliable suppliers that offer high quality raw materials and can ship to Brazil would be immensely grateful if you could share this information.

In advance, I deeply thank you for everyone's attention and help. any guidance will be valuable at this crucial time.
Don’t use test enanthate, you have your answer
Unfortunately, the situation has not improved. Persistent discomfort appears to be directly related to the raw material of Testosterone Enanthate. So far, no other compound – not even Testosterone Propionate or Trenbolone – has caused discomfort as intense as this.

Although my supplier in China has always been on time with shipments and their hormone tests have shown excellent and consistent results, the quality of Enanthate has proven unsustainable due to this discomfort. It's a frustrating situation, I'm looking for an effective and comfortable solution.

So I'm asking for help once again. Anyone who knows reliable suppliers that offer high quality raw materials and can ship to Brazil would be immensely grateful if you could share this information.

In advance, I deeply thank you for everyone's attention and help. any guidance will be valuable at this crucial time.
i talked to this guys
really quick to answer
50g Test c 60$ +shipping(domestic 60$)
heptanoic acid left over from the manufacturing process of the raws, jano has a thread on it here on the forum.
Wow that's really interesting. I knew it had to be something like that, some kind of thing going on with the manufacturing process. Several years ago, the Test E that I received wasn't causing pip at all. Oh well, Test Cyp doesn't melt so easy. That was the other problem I had with Test E, if it got to be a certain temperature, it'd turn into a gelatinous mess that is such pain to work with, I hear Deca can do that too.
That's only 250mg of testosterone tho.

Anyway to achieve higher without pip?

i believe 400mg/ml testosterone decanoate would equate to ~365mg/ml testosterone enanthate/cypionate, the ester weight isnt that much more

EDIT: forgot to add that testosterone decanoate can hold up to 500mg/ml in 2%ba 20%bb mct as well
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i believe 400mg/ml testosterone decanoate would equate to ~365mg/ml testosterone enanthate/cypionate, the ester weight isnt that much more.
yeah but brewing 365mg cyp/enan is gonna be pippy probably
but you are right the difference is not that much, 0.63 U vs 0.68 C/E for what I remember
Infelizmente, a situação não melhorou. O desconforto persistente parece estar diretamente relacionado à matéria-prima do Testosterone Enanthate. Até agora, nenhum outro composto – nem mesmo Testosterone Propionate ou Trenbolone – causou desconforto tão intenso quanto este.

Embora meu fornecedor na China sempre tenha sido pontual com as remessas e seus testes hormonais tenham mostrado resultados excelentes e consistentes, a qualidade do Enantato provou ser insustentável devido a esse desconforto. É uma situação frustrante, estou procurando uma solução eficaz e confortável.

Então, peço ajuda mais uma vez. Alguém que conheça fornecedores confiáveis que ofereçam matérias-primas de alta qualidade e possam enviar para o Brasil ficaria imensamente grato se pudesse compartilhar essas informações.

Desde já, agradeço profundamente a atenção e ajuda de todos. Qualquer orientação será valiosa neste momento crucial.
Tmj mano br