possible way to test testosterone products?


New Member
I had an idea which may or not have been thought of before so please feel free to critique it...

As test levels are expressed as ng/dl, could we simulate a blood test using test cyp,enan,prop etc?

for example:

take two samples of blood at the same date and time from same "donor"
to one sample add pharma prescribed test e(known sample) at "x" amount and have it tested. This will bring the test value to to say (just for discussion)....5000ng/dl

record that number as a baseline

Second sample (using same donor, time,etc)...add exact same "x" amount of UGL or homebrewed test e, and have it tested. if same purity as "known sample" it should register the same values.

In theory you should be able to come close to determining purity.

Things to be determined...
both blood samples should be equal in volume and the amount that is suitable for testing.
also there needs to be (someone who is far more proficient at math) determined what amount of pharma test to bring test value up to a known level.

As you couldn't simply drop pharma test into your blood vial straight (as it would be far more than anyone would ever put in their body), how much pharma test e would be added to say carrier oil to dilute it to a level that would simulate a normal dose?

Little poorly worded but hopefully it gets some thoughts provoked on if it could be done.
I just wondered if we could develop a way to test ourselves without going the mass spec route.

Yes I do realize and have done melt tests before but it really does not prove 100% what the aas is. Also it really does not address purity

Test E melt point is 32-36C, but that loses some significance if you knew corn starch also melts at that same temp. (I have no idea if it does....just an example)

And labmax is nice, but seems very open to interpretation by the observer. Lots of comments like "looks like it contains some test".....
I have been on this for the past 20 years to find a way to test.

There are no shortcuts, if you want real results in numbers you need to send to lab.

I have seen ideas like using lemon juice to test dianbol, it is not testing it is voodoo.
I totally agree Mercury...some weird crazy quasi-science out there. Both samples would be tested though by a medical lad as blood tests for total testosterone.
I think (could be wrong though) that there should be a way to analyze the aas added to the blood to determine if it is what is claimed and also if compared to know sample...how the numbers compare or do not compare...and give purity level
hahahaha now I am understanding why. Although i contend in theory it could be done...the amounts are so ridiculously small as to make it nearly impossible to do.
Delatestryl Brand Test E contains 200mg/ml of Test.
This means in that single ml there is 200,000,000 nanograms, then try to scale that down to a measurable quantity like found in blood (say 500ng/dl to 5000ng/dl)

It could be done but not at a level of testing that we could do.
at least I do not know how
this is what I thought adding small amounts of test to blood seems impossible.

labmax is very reliable, since labmax I have never asked again about a gear if it is legit or bunk.

people simply do not understand labmax it simple color test pass or fail, it is so well documented but nobody goes over the material to learn.