Test/Tren Cycle

"25 fully developed brain" is a myth and was based on misleading study , thanks for reddit for spreading this shit

brain effectively mature at 18

That is cognitive maturity - not full brain development. Your brain will be growing and changing until the day you die.
"25 fully developed brain" is a myth and was based on misleading study , thanks for reddit for spreading this shit

brain effectively mature at 18

I’m not sure if you’ve ever met an 18 year old but they’re absolutely children compared to a 25+ year old.

That’s not even the brain part, men can grow vertically till about 21.

Regardless of your sources I’d never recommend steroids to anyone under the age of ~26. It’s just stupid, no way a human has put in enough time to form, diet and training naturally to justify that.
That is cognitive maturity - not full brain development. Your brain will be growing and changing until the day you die.
Check the second study its about brain development , and yes you are right brain is keep developing until you die , but what i'm trying to say that nothing special happens at 25
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I’m not sure if you’ve ever met an 18 year old but they’re absolutely children compared to a 25+ year old.

That’s not even the brain part, men can grow vertically till about 21.

Regardless of your sources I’d never recommend steroids to anyone under the age of ~26. It’s just stupid, no way a human has put in enough time to form, diet and training naturally to justify that.
"I’m not sure if you’ve ever met an 18 year old but they’re absolutely children compared to a 25+ year old.?"

And so on 30 compared to 25 and 35 compared to 30

"Regardless of your sources I’d never recommend steroids to anyone under the age of ~26. It’s just stupid, no way a human has put in enough time to form, diet and training naturally to justify that."

(diet,training,experience) all of these is highly independent on the individual , but we are trying here to set an age where its safe to start PEDS and not affecting natural body development which fully occurs in 20-21
"I’m not sure if you’ve ever met an 18 year old but they’re absolutely children compared to a 25+ year old.?"

And so on 30 compared to 25 and 35 compared to 30

"Regardless of your sources I’d never recommend steroids to anyone under the age of ~26. It’s just stupid, no way a human has put in enough time to form, diet and training naturally to justify that."

(diet,training,experience) all of these is highly independent on the individual , but we are trying here to set an age where its safe to start PEDS and not affecting natural body development which fully occurs in 20-21
Ok man you can encourage teenagers to use anabolics but that’s absolutely against harm reduction in majority opinion
"I’m not sure if you’ve ever met an 18 year old but they’re absolutely children compared to a 25+ year old.?"

And so on 30 compared to 25 and 35 compared to 30

"Regardless of your sources I’d never recommend steroids to anyone under the age of ~26. It’s just stupid, no way a human has put in enough time to form, diet and training naturally to justify that."

this is highly independent on the individual , but we are trying here to set an age where its safe to start PEDS and not affecting natural body development
which occurs in 20-21

Ok man you can encourage teenagers to use anabolics but that’s absolutely against harm reduction in majority opinion
21 20 ? is a teenager ? i thought teenage years ends in 19
if you have any scientific paper that proves otherwise , please attach it
because we all hate the bro-science claims

Dude I shouldn’t have to dig up scientific studies to prove that a 20 year old should not use Test let alone Tren.

Once again, the physical timeline doesn’t even allow enough years of experience in the gym, studing and dialing in diet to justify steroid use- at any age. At best homie started lifting 3 years ago. Still noob gains on the table.
Vast majority of sub 25yo users will be way less prudent than the 26+ people. The younger guys will take higher doses much sooner and be far more likely to accelerate health problems.

Craziest thing is that many health problems take like 4-5 years to manifest. That could be the timespan of being 20 and generally using high doses and then turning 24-25
Also OP being 6’1 and 83 kgs with that many cycles (with those kind of drugs and doses) under your belt is honestly pathetic. Essentially proves my point above. At least you’re seeking honest feedback, but your goes to show that many of these other young guys blasting shit are just gonna lose 90% of it when their blasts are done and keep frying all their organs in the process
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What's wrong with these responses. If you can't help the kid then don't reply.

After reading everything you wrote try 750 test with 300 mast this time for 12 weeks. Post those pictures you said you got of your other results here.
Honestly the only “help” needed here is tell the kid to fuck off from gear