Post PCT bloods


New Member
Taking the plunge and asking advice...

27 y/o male
I ran my first cycle late last year.
Wk 1-12
Test Cyp (500mg /wk)
Wk 1-7 12.5mg EoD
Wk 7-15 12.5mg ED
Wk 9-15 500iu 3x/wk

PCT (admittedly weak)
Wk 16-19
Clomid 50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/10/10/10

Pre-cycle bloods
Test total - 738ng/dl (range 250-1100)
Test bioavail - 187.5ng/dl (range 110-575)
Test free - 87.5pg/ml (range 46-224)
DHT - 46ng/dl (range 16-79)
SHBG - 41nmol/L (range 10-50)
Estradiol - 42pg/ml (range <or=39)
FSH - 2.0miu/ml (range 1.6-8)
LH - 4.0miu/ml (range 1.5-9.3)

Post-PCT (6wks after PCT)
Test total - 531ng/dl (range 250-1100)
Test bioavail - 147.3ng/dl (range 110-575)
Test free - 70.1pg/ml (range 46-224)
DHT - 37ng/dl (range 16-79)
SHBG - 34nmol/L (range 10-50)
Estradiol - 38pg/ml (range <or=39)
FSH - 0.7miu/ml (range 1.6-8)
LH - 1.7miu/ml (range 1.5-9.3)

Many other things were also tested, all were within range before and after cycle.
Looks like my hormone levels have all fallen compared to pre cycle but still within acceptable ranges, except FSH, and LH is barely in acceptable range.

Do you think time will recover my levels or should I look into attempting another PCT to make up for the weak one I ran after cycle? I feel OK I guess, definitely sore after workouts compared to when I was on, just got over a 2 week frickin sore throat too. Little tired maybe but that's nothing new really.

Thanks in advance.
The only definite thing I notice that indicates that something is off is I'm getting night sweats almost every night, and my gf isn't pregnant despite the numerous unprotected loads I've dumped into her.
Taking the plunge and asking advice...

27 y/o male
I ran my first cycle late last year.
Wk 1-12
Test Cyp (500mg /wk)
Wk 1-7 12.5mg EoD
Wk 7-15 12.5mg ED
Wk 9-15 500iu 3x/wk

PCT (admittedly weak)
Wk 16-19
Clomid 50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/10/10/10

Pre-cycle bloods
Test total - 738ng/dl (range 250-1100)
Test bioavail - 187.5ng/dl (range 110-575)
Test free - 87.5pg/ml (range 46-224)
DHT - 46ng/dl (range 16-79)
SHBG - 41nmol/L (range 10-50)
Estradiol - 42pg/ml (range <or=39)
FSH - 2.0miu/ml (range 1.6-8)
LH - 4.0miu/ml (range 1.5-9.3)

Post-PCT (6wks after PCT)
Test total - 531ng/dl (range 250-1100)
Test bioavail - 147.3ng/dl (range 110-575)
Test free - 70.1pg/ml (range 46-224)
DHT - 37ng/dl (range 16-79)
SHBG - 34nmol/L (range 10-50)
Estradiol - 38pg/ml (range <or=39)
FSH - 0.7miu/ml (range 1.6-8)
LH - 1.7miu/ml (range 1.5-9.3)

Many other things were also tested, all were within range before and after cycle.
Looks like my hormone levels have all fallen compared to pre cycle but still within acceptable ranges, except FSH, and LH is barely in acceptable range.

Do you think time will recover my levels or should I look into attempting another PCT to make up for the weak one I ran after cycle? I feel OK I guess, definitely sore after workouts compared to when I was on, just got over a 2 week frickin sore throat too. Little tired maybe but that's nothing new really.

Thanks in advance.

dont do anything
itll get back up!
its only 1 months since the steroids obviously, in another 6 weeks you should be normal after that quite short cycle
I think in time you will recover.
Next time just do a little stronger pct.

Also what time were these bloods taken? Same time in the AM?
Yes, both taken around 9:30am, earliest appt I could get.

I hope it bounces back. I actually have a hunch that I started PCT too soon. I'll be more diligent in calculating half life time next cycle...which I can't wait for!
By stronger PCT, do you mean different/additional drugs? Or just higher doses for longer?
Your pct isn't really bad. But your numbers suggest otherwise so up the dose next time and see what happens.
How do you feel? If you feel good that is what is important IMO.

If you feel like crap you can even run another pct and see where you land afterwords.
Taking the plunge and asking advice...

27 y/o male
I ran my first cycle late last year.
Wk 1-12
Test Cyp (500mg /wk)
Wk 1-7 12.5mg EoD
Wk 7-15 12.5mg ED
Wk 9-15 500iu 3x/wk

PCT (admittedly weak)
Wk 16-19
Clomid 50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/10/10/10

Pre-cycle bloods
Test total - 738ng/dl (range 250-1100)
Test bioavail - 187.5ng/dl (range 110-575)
Test free - 87.5pg/ml (range 46-224)
DHT - 46ng/dl (range 16-79)
SHBG - 41nmol/L (range 10-50)
Estradiol - 42pg/ml (range <or=39)
FSH - 2.0miu/ml (range 1.6-8)
LH - 4.0miu/ml (range 1.5-9.3)

Post-PCT (6wks after PCT)
Test total - 531ng/dl (range 250-1100)
Test bioavail - 147.3ng/dl (range 110-575)
Test free - 70.1pg/ml (range 46-224)
DHT - 37ng/dl (range 16-79)
SHBG - 34nmol/L (range 10-50)
Estradiol - 38pg/ml (range <or=39)
FSH - 0.7miu/ml (range 1.6-8)
LH - 1.7miu/ml (range 1.5-9.3)

Many other things were also tested, all were within range before and after cycle.
Looks like my hormone levels have all fallen compared to pre cycle but still within acceptable ranges, except FSH, and LH is barely in acceptable range.

Do you think time will recover my levels or should I look into attempting another PCT to make up for the weak one I ran after cycle? I feel OK I guess, definitely sore after workouts compared to when I was on, just got over a 2 week frickin sore throat too. Little tired maybe but that's nothing new really.

Thanks in advance.
While your figures are still low
they ain't that low considering LH and FSH are quite low
you did good using HCG 1500 IU/week

you either can extend pct with tiny dose Nolva just 5 mg per day, studies show Nolva is superior to Clomid, and low dose Nolva 5 mg ain't that different than 20 mg

or while not ideal, you can continue using HCG+AI if you're near your next cycle start date
many (including me) have been either on-cycle or on-pct with no off-everything intervals
pituitary LH/FSH hasn't been proven to permanently shutdown
I'm feeling pretty good all around, wanting to start my next cycle. I developed some acne on my back toward the end of my cycle and it seems to be getting slowly worse, even now after a few months. I want to get rid of this acne before my cycle but not sure what to do.
While your figures are still low
they ain't that low considering LH and FSH are quite low
you did good using HCG 1500 IU/week

you either can extend pct with tiny dose Nolva just 5 mg per day, studies show Nolva is superior to Clomid, and low dose Nolva 5 mg ain't that different than 20 mg

or while not ideal, you can continue using HCG+AI if you're near your next cycle start date
many (including me) have been either on-cycle or on-pct with no off-everything intervals
pituitary LH/FSH hasn't been proven to permanently shutdown
So you're saying you blast a cycle, than after you run your PCT drugs until you blast again? Correct me if I'm wrong.