Post Surgery Cycle


New Member
I’m dealing with some tennis elbow and looking at knee surgery for 4 partially torn ligaments so I’m considering what I might use to recover from the surgery and everything the fastest so I can get to heavy squats again. I also tweaked a rotator cuff in the same accident so I am not benching my max either. I’m currently just dialing in my TRT to learn my baseline before adding anything serious. I expect my final TRT dose to fall between 100 and 150 based on a past TRT.

Would something like this make sense:

150 Test
150 Equipoise (for ligament healing)
150 NPP (for joint support)
Primo only if E2 starts to climb
3-4iu HGH
hCG (i always use it with TRT)

I know it looks like a “why shut down for that” but if I want the absolute minimum sides while maximizing the post surgery recovery…
that is fine, its going to just take time to heal, once healed you can gain anything you lost back rather quickly, i had pec surgery jan 3. And its just about having good PT and eating good.
The GH and peptides may help in healing i doubt the rest will really do much at all.
Equipoise has been shown to quadruple the rate of collagen creation… I’m waiting for evidence that it would not speed up ligament surgery recovery
The GH/bpc/tb500 will be doing majority of the healing there. Everything else isn’t really necessary if you want to keep the drugs to a minimum. Otherwise, I see nothing wrong with any of that. I’d personally throw in 10-20mg of anavar for the collagen benefits. I’ll actually be getting gyno surgery next month and will be running test/var/GH/bpc/tb500 afterwards
Good call. Vigorous Steve recommends 5mg per day for collagen support and also... "mind/muscle connection" ?? I also have in my notes a study that showed a dose of 0.1mg/kg improved wound healing, (~12mg)
Good call. Vigorous Steve recommends 5mg per day for collagen support and also... "mind/muscle connection" ?? I also have in my notes a study that showed a dose of 0.1mg/kg improved wound healing, (~12mg)
I believe he also suggested ghk-cu. As for mind/muscle connection, I def feel every muscle more from pumps lol
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