Post your Controversial Opinions here

It’s not difficult to fathom. Traditional gender roles come with a lot of baggage and expectations, particularly for women. Folks don’t want to be burdened with that baggage and meet those expectations, ergo “non-binary”.

The distinction itself is one of expression rather than biological. It may be that you choose not to accept that particular expression as a particular gender, but it’s not hard to understand.
Of course, it can only be expression, as it's impossible biologically... understood. How one would think expressing themselves as neither gender would bring less "burden," is not.

"Burden" is the problem. Nowadays, it seems few want to burdened with much of anything: respect; consideration; common sense. I can jot a long list like this... we both know it's true. Many would rather "punk-out" than deal with it. "It's too hard." It's a burden.

Don't get me wrong, as a human, I believe we have infinite potential, and can do and be whatever we want. We are marvelous beings. But, being chicken sh** is not something where I place any value.
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"Burden" is the problem. Nowadays, it seems few want to burdened with much of anything: respect; consideration; common sense. I can jot a long list like this... we both know it's true. Many would rather "punk-out" than deal with it. "It's too hard." It's a burden.

Agreed. This is something that people have to face in a very real way as adolescents have to go through the process of consolidating their identity, which often includes gender expression.

Don't get me wrong, as a human, I believe we have infinite potential, and can do and be whatever we want. We are marvelous beings. But, being chicken sh** is not something where I place any value.

Lots of gender norms are bullshit. Is it chickenshit to reject them?

How one would think expressing themselves as neither gender would bring less "burden," is not.

I'm sure you can stretch your imagination sufficiently to figure this out. When I grew up, there were butch girls and fem boys. In some cases romantic interests aligned and in some not. It's all just vernacular. Folks these days call that non-binary. It's not "neither" gender as you wrote, it's just not aligned with the gender binary, at least in terms of expression.

If that's the way that folks want to identify and it's not harmful, then I'll roll with it. It shouldn't be anymore difficult to refer to these folks with the proper vernacular than to refer to me as "sir" if we ever met in person. It might grate for a second, but you'd come around.
Much like the COVID thing, this is an area that’s rife with misinformation. There is no “LDL hypothesis”. The science is settled, but unfortunately difficult to understand. As such the medical community has oversimplified it as “LDL bad” which is pretty easy to refute.

Can you, for example explain to me necessity and sufficiency as it relates to logic? I doubt it. That’s not a slight as it’s a concept I’d have a difficult time explaining to you. However, it is a logical concept necessary to grasp the function of LDL, other atherogenic particles and inflammation as it relates to the accumulation of plaque burden, which in turn leads to a greater probability of a major adverse cardiac event (MACE).

I won’t give you heat for having that opinion about how you approach your health, but if you attempt to pass it off as sound medical advice, I’m going to jump all over it.

This is what I’m referring to when I say the cholesterol hypothesis.

I don’t believe the “science is [ever] settled,” and personally think that’s a dangerous position to take.

That statement implies that the case is closed, and no further revision / new information will change the consensus opinion, which is the antithesis of “true science.”

I could probably explain to you necessity and sufficiency as it relates to logic, but it would take me way more time than I’m willing to spend lol.

Nothing I say on this board is intended as medical advice. I’m not a medical professional. I’m not qualified to give medical advice. Furthermore, no one should be taking anyone’s opinion on this board as medical advice. Especially not in a thread called “Post Your Controversial Opinions Here.”

Ok, back to sleep I go.
Lots of gender norms are bullshit. Is it chickenshit to reject them?
No, it's not, it does take guts.

It's all just vernacular. Folks these days call that non-binary. It's not "neither" gender as you wrote, it's just not aligned with the gender binary, at least in terms of expression.
I admit, I'm not fully educated on this, as what I understood it to mean is apparently incorrect. The way you explained it makes sense. Also, I will further educate myself... I owe it to those who have the guts to express themselves.

If that's the way that folks want to identify and it's not harmful, then I'll roll with it. It shouldn't be anymore difficult to refer to these folks with the proper vernacular than to refer to me as "sir" if we ever met in person. It might grate for a second, but you'd come around.
I'll roll with it too. In fact, I've been rolling with it... by default, it's my belief respect is warranted towards others, regardless of their beliefs... their "identity." However, better understanding a fellow human's view makes it less of a "burden." ;)