power pharm


New Member
Gear seems good, superfast delivery. I got pretty bad PIP from test 400 and pretty bad night sweats. Could be because I did my cycle wrong, starting with anadrol and deca without test. Anyone familiar with the gear?
Powertripper is the man! Good stuff and good prices. Some of the higher dosed gear has a bite.

gotta love the shipping time too. And customer service, communication is excellent. I regret the day I used BigD, I am pretty sure I will never receive my order.
I had the same thing happen to me with there Test 400, PIP and a little redness/swelling. I asked them if I was getting an infection when it lasted for like 5 days and was told that the Test 400 is cut with straight ethyl oleate and if you have any type or allergy or bad reaction to EO you WILL find out on that Test E. Got a free vial of Test P to try out since they said they only use trace amounts of EO in there other gear and sure enough no swelling/PIP/anything. Wish I could do the Test 400 cause it's hard to find that dose for that price, but the prop is so good I'm not really broke up over it haha.
Don't think they are making any more Test 400, changed it to 250mg and their Deca is 300mg now instead of the old 250mg.
Been lurking for a while, looking for credible sources. What's the website/email for this guy?

I've found a few places that seem trust worthy, roxi, etc. but i don't know quite yet. not gonna buy until i know i'm not gonna get taken.
even 50/50 it really gives me a knot. Got some Lixus test today from ukbs and it tastes like straight oil.
It works good, just need to dilute a lot or spread it out more often during the week. What are you running right now and how much?
It works good, just need to dilute a lot or spread it out more often during the week. What are you running right now and how much?

cool right now just test e around 800 a week and a little liquidex. I have tren and oral winny ready to go. Got some Lixus labs test e today from ukbs and it tastes like oil. Inclines me to think it is just oil.
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