I've used Tirz before when I was not on AAS and in higher dosages and did not get the same effects, however my sleep did become more fragmented because of it. Maybe it's the stacked effect of the AAS (perticularely Nandrolone) and the Tirz. But the thing is, when I take out the HGH, my sleep improves masively (still on Tirz and AAS) as per last week's experiment.For sure, low bg can cause sweating and the increased adrenaline which releases when bg is low, increases fragmented sleep, can cause nightmares and vivid dreams. Increasing norepinephrine usually does this to sleep. It's partly why SNRI's and stuff like mirtazapine, cause vivid dreams.
Your response to tirz is rather strong so it is possible that this is the reason to your night sweats. And if you started tirz and GH at the same time, then you could have mistakenly attributed the effect to GH.
But maybe it's a combination of both. GH causing insulin resistance, without an immediate hyperglycemic response, lowering glucose availability, and tirz at the same time increasing insulin and decreasing hepatic glucose release ...
But maybe it's a combination of both. GH causing insulin resistance, without an immediate hyperglycemic response, lowering glucose availability, and tirz at the same time increasing insulin and decreasing hepatic glucose release ...
This sounds like a reasonable theory to me as well. Might be that my cells are not getting enough glucose because of this double whammy effect. However I'm still not sure if this would really be it. I'm going to keep experimenting to see if I can find more evidence of the culprit.