Pre-Cycle Bloods Advice/insight greatly appreciated


My doc would only order the following for me and now he wants me to come in an discuss cholesterol meds :confused: and I really don't like what I have read about statins.

My Hematocrit is slightly down after a blood donation last month and I have another donation scheduled in about 5 week (I will continue to donate as often as they will allow).

How comfortable would you guys be to start a cycle/blast with these numbers?
I am ready to go but just want some feedback to make sure I am not crazy thinking these are ok numbers -- thanks.



I was planning on starting last month but because of hematocrit levels I held off until I could donate and secure a subsquequent donation appointment in order to be proactive regarding the hematocrit; here are last months bloods (I immediately made adjustments to my cruise dosages to address the low TT and crashed E2):

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gee, your cholesterol doesn't look bad to me, especially with the hdl being good. but they've come out with new guidelines and are more aggressive. I have naturally high cholesterol (above 350), so I've been taking statins for years, never bothered me
gee, your cholesterol doesn't look bad to me, especially with the hdl being good. but they've come out with new guidelines and are more aggressive. I have naturally high cholesterol (above 350), so I've been taking statins for years, never bothered me

I thought it looked good myself.
But I guess maybe the LDL being high is what is being focused upon.
thanks for having a look.
by the way, I've had my cholesterol checked during a test and anavar cycle, the number stayed the same (about 165). It's always good to get it checked if you're getting your test levels checked. I've heard of peoples numbers jumping during cycles, maybe the statins kept it down
I thought it looked good myself.
But I guess maybe the LDL being high is what is being focused upon.
thanks for having a look.
Yes I agree. Have you tried cleaning up the diet a bit? More chicken and fish less red meat. Maybe adding some fish oil(3~4grams)and niacin(500mg) to decrease the ldl which should also decrease the total amount cholesterol. I was doing fish oil and niacin with clean diet and good omega fats on recent cycle. My lipids on 500mg test and 25mg dbol were ok but not the worse either.

@penche wow very nice LDL and total cholesterol number for being on! many average non-lifting people I know would envy you and they don't even get to enjoy the benefits of AAS.

As to your suggestions, I am in the process of starting a recomp and as such yes I plan to clean up my diet. During bulking and cruising I have been eating a lot of red meat and not as strict as I should be. Last year this time I had much better numbers (but I was weaker and less muscular -- we are all too familiar with the trade-offs).

I am in agreement that I need to clean-up the diet and reduce red meats asap.

I take one fish oil with breakfast but no Niacin -- I just read about niacin's potential lipid benefits recently and will look into that further tonight.

Thanks for the tips!
what fish oil and Niacin supps do you use?
I read some give people sides (flushing red face etc).
Any preference on a good brand to try?
what fish oil and Niacin supps do you use?
I read some give people sides (flushing red face etc).
Any preference on a good brand to try?
Yes be careful with the niacin. On 500mg I was good and no flushing. The doc told me he wanted me on 1000mg because my lipo protein A was high which is also related to cholesterol. On a 1000mg I was turning very red in the middle of the night and next day I called him. He said, yea that's a side effect and he instructed me to take 325mg asprin with the 1000mg niacin. The flushing never returned, not even a hint. I'll get the brand of fish oil when I get to the house in about 1 hr brotha ;). I'll report back.
gee, your cholesterol doesn't look bad to me, especially with the hdl being good. but they've come out with new guidelines and are more aggressive. I have naturally high cholesterol (above 350), so I've been taking statins for years, never bothered me
reason I had to stop going to my own doctor 4 bloods. I planning on having my own blood. From a independent lab.
Don't want to get flagged from insurance company& make any problems from myself . insurance companies will have a cause to put you on a high risk list. which they can raise your premiums behind that nobody wants that. I hope you understand my post. honestly my numbers were worse.

Here is my lipids on a ton of red meat and high protein, hardly any carbs. High fats and this was not on cycle nor TRT. My test level here is at 262. No niacin or fish oil here on these labs either.

Btw the fish oil is from Nature Made and the niacin is from CVS cuz it was prescribed by the doc. I think a little cleaning up and adding some supps you'd be ready to get back in game ;). Niacin can be bought over the counter btw. I'd see if your doc is open to try it out before a statin. Good luck bud!
reason I had to stop going to my own doctor 4 bloods. I planning on having my own blood. From a independent lab.
Don't want to get flagged from insurance company& make any problems from myself . insurance companies will have a cause to put you on a high risk list. which they can raise your premiums behind that nobody wants that. I hope you understand my post. honestly my numbers were worse.

NONSENSE! Have you ever heard of the Medical Information Bureau?

Well rest assured this group of insurance underwriters has access to this information wether you like it or not, lol! It all comes out in the wash and if your a caught lying about your PMH coverage can be DENIED!

And thats the best reason you can locate for "treating yourself", NOT a wise idea!
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Here is my lipids on a ton of red meat and high protein, hardly any carbs. High fats and this was not on cycle nor TRT. My test level here is at 262. No niacin or fish oil here on these labs either.

Btw the fish oil is from Nature Made and the niacin is from CVS cuz it was prescribed by the doc. I think a little cleaning up and adding some supps you'd be ready to get back in game ;). Niacin can be bought over the counter btw. I'd see if your doc is open to try it out before a statin. Good luck bud!

I will cut out the red meat starting asap after tonight's roast (already bought it before my results came back, so I will enjoy a last supper with style tonight before switching to 100% clean :D ). Also, I am going to pick up some of these cholesterol specific supps asap -- top on my list will be Niacin. My doc appt is next week and I will explain to him my ideas and what I am would like try first in terms of diet and supps as an alternative before going on pharma products.
thanks again for your time and helping me out brother.
NONSENSE! Have you ever heard of the Medical Information Bureau?

Well rest assured this group of insurance underwriters has access to this information wether you like it or not, lol! It all comes out in the wash and if your a caught lying about your PMH coverage can be DENIED!

And thats the best reason you can locate for "treating yourself", NOT a wise idea!

Denied coverage? Example; lets say you chose not to disclose a history of hypercholesterolemia and "treat yourself" following your own cholesterol levels.

Fine but what is the first question an insurance company will ask should you develop ASCVD at a young age and require a surgical remedy such as an peripheral bypass or coronary angioplasty?

These guys aren't stupid fella and they WILL access lab facility data (remember that full disclosure form you and everyone else must sign granting insurance companies this type of access) which will reveal an elevated T-Chol level and as a result they COULD legally deny coverage for the SURGERY bc YOU LIED!

Sooner or later this information will be disclosed and your only kidding yourself if you believe it advantageous to withhold such info, bc the relative risk is CUMULATIVE and impact on premiums for young folk is minimal!
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NONSENSE! Have you ever heard of the Medical Information Bureau?

Well rest assured this group of insurance underwriters has access to this information wether you like it or not, lol! It all comes out in the wash and if your a caught lying about your PMH coverage can be DENIED!

And thats the best reason you can locate for "treating yourself", NOT a wise idea!
Thanks for the heads up. but never claimed to have lied to anyone had my bloods done with my doctor just decided not to do it again with him will go to an outside lab. Understand where you're coming from.

