How bad are these bloods

I thought dietary cholesterol didn't affect lipids but I only take whole milk/ice cream when bulking. I could switch to soy milk for the calories instead.

Mixing highly concentrated sources of sugar and fat are a bad idea for a normal person. This is the elephant in the room WRT your lipids. Add in gram(s) of androgens and you really have a problem.

Please read this paragraph:

The majority of patients with type 2 diabetes exhibit a dyslipidemia which is characterized by elevated triglycerides, low HDL-C and the predominance of small-dense LDL particles [1]. Although not all diabetic patients show all manifestations, 60% to 70% of patients show at least some lipid abnormality. This dyslipidemia presents a major (probably the most important) link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The characteristic lipid changes are not only seen in patients with overt diabetes but also in patients with metabolic syndrome and are therefore believed to reflect insulin resistance rather than hyperglycemia [2]. Furthermore, it is also known that good glucose control improves dyslipidemia but does not eliminate it. The dyslipidemia is based on inflammatory processes and on flooding of the body with energy rich substrates which then results in hepatic and intestinal lipoprotein overproduction leading to hypertriglyceridemia [3,4]. The elevated concentration of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins leads to an increased catabolism of HDL (resulting in low HDL-C) and a shift in the LDL phenotype towards small dense LDL which are more atherogenic then "normal" LDL [5,6].

Rule of thumb....never mix refined sugar and fat at a meal.

For your consideration:


Of if you do like me then modify keto with extra protein for a bastardized non-keto keto diet.

Post your meals / macro breakdown for the weeks leading up to that blood sample.
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You first ask for help and than you keep disregarding ppl suggestions and try to justify your fucking way of eating.


Attached my bloods on cycle, compare it to yours and come back saying you eat healthy. Fucking cunt lol


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