How much does HGH raise your blood glucose ?

I feel it is greatly influenced by diet
I went from zero to 10 IU’s daily and BG has remained the same pretty much
My diet is meticulous (cut) and I don’t do any cheat meals, only “high” carb days which is extra rice and green beans only
fasted glucose over last couple weeks ranges 77-96 depending on carb intake. No insulin or metformin

About cheat meals
If you need them to maintain your mental fortitude that’s one thing but eating saturated fats with high carbs will cause those fats to be stored as fat. This is a set back. If you’re doing this weekly just think how much you are spinning your wheels in comparison to effective carb cycling.
My high carb day is just extra rice and green beans. Yeah its boring but when you get used to eating properly you shouldn’t need constant breaks from that
I get so excited to eat every meal of chicken and rice because my body needs the nutrients. The extra rice on a high day is wonderful and the results two or three days later are amazing. Well worth the self-discipline
Add in some “no carb days” and that rice is even more amazing
No carbs days are never really no carb because I eat green beans and your body will make carbs from the protein (gluconeogenesis) but I exclude rice on those days. Add some rice in the next day and it’s like dinner the most amazing restaurant lol
bang on what i do.
Can someone tell me what the expected blood sugar level would be from 3 to 4 units of HGH a day?
So many things wrong with this post... and your avatar seems like a great fit for you... but hey! You're on a harm reduction forum.

First, HGH does not necessarily raise your blood sugar. It can exacerbate your blood sugar within 1-2 hours after you eat, OR even your fasting blood sugar. This ALL depends on WHEN you inject.

Second, there's no telling what this number will be. It depends on your diet. Are you chugging down twinkies, ice cream and french fries like an asshole? LIKE ME??? Prepare your diddlybeetus.

You will need to be on HGH for about 1 month at 3-4 iu/day. You will need to test your blood sugar 2 hours after each meal, and if it's over 140, you will need to make changes, such as adding Berberine (keep this away from pregnant women), Metformin, etc.

Here's what I'd recommend:

1. Inject 3-4 iu/day. Pick one, and stick with it.
2. Test blood sugar 2 hours after eating. Test fasting values in the morning.
3. If blood sugar is high, apply exercise / berberine / metformin.

Heck, I'd recommend testing your A1C and blood sugar before starting HGH.
So many things wrong with this post... and your avatar seems like a great fit for you... but hey! You're on a harm reduction forum.

First, HGH does not necessarily raise your blood sugar. It can exacerbate your blood sugar within 1-2 hours after you eat, OR even your fasting blood sugar. This ALL depends on WHEN you inject.

Second, there's no telling what this number will be. It depends on your diet. Are you chugging down twinkies, ice cream and french fries like an asshole? LIKE ME??? Prepare your diddlybeetus.

You will need to be on HGH for about 1 month at 3-4 iu/day. You will need to test your blood sugar 2 hours after each meal, and if it's over 140, you will need to make changes, such as adding Berberine (keep this away from pregnant women), Metformin, etc.

Here's what I'd recommend:

1. Inject 3-4 iu/day. Pick one, and stick with it.
2. Test blood sugar 2 hours after eating. Test fasting values in the morning.
3. If blood sugar is high, apply exercise / berberine / metformin.

Heck, I'd recommend testing your A1C and blood sugar before starting HGH.
Can I ask if you have any experience using insulin (Lantus)combined with hgh?if yes,can you please share your protocol? Thanks