Pre-sterilized vials or DIY?


Still pretty new to homebrewing, but really enjoy learning here. I like knowing exactly what's in the brew and being confident in cleanliness.

So far, I've been ordering the pre-sterilized 10ml vials. Getting ready to order another case and started to think...if I don't really trust the pre-made gear, why would I trust that these no-name vials from Amazon are actually sterile?

Did a little more looking, and I've convinced myself that I may just order 100 vials, stoppers/tops, and a crimping tool and just sterilize a couple dozen at a time in a pressure cooker at home. I know its a little more work but I kind of enjoy homebrewing. Not trying to save a bunch of $ (although it is a little cheaper)...just really trying to control the cleanliness of that part of the process.

Any other homebrewers sterilize and cap their own vials? If so, any advice or tips? Recommendations on cap crimping tool?
Still pretty new to homebrewing, but really enjoy learning here. I like knowing exactly what's in the brew and being confident in cleanliness.

So far, I've been ordering the pre-sterilized 10ml vials. Getting ready to order another case and started to think...if I don't really trust the pre-made gear, why would I trust that these no-name vials from Amazon are actually sterile?

Did a little more looking, and I've convinced myself that I may just order 100 vials, stoppers/tops, and a crimping tool and just sterilize a couple dozen at a time in a pressure cooker at home. I know its a little more work but I kind of enjoy homebrewing. Not trying to save a bunch of $ (although it is a little cheaper)...just really trying to control the cleanliness of that part of the process.

Any other homebrewers sterilize and cap their own vials? If so, any advice or tips? Recommendations on cap crimping tool?
Is your work area controlled and sterile though, do you have the proper equipment like laminar hood or are you exposing it to airborne materials during transfer to your open vials?

There are more things to consider in setting up to avoid contamination when using open vials.

Most of us small scale home brewers have been using pre sterilized vials for decades now and so far no infections yet.
Is your work area controlled and sterile though, do you have the proper equipment like laminar hood or are you exposing it to airborne materials during transfer to your open vials?

There are more things to consider in setting up to avoid contamination when using open vials.

Most of us small scale home brewers have been using pre sterilized vials for decades now and so far no infections yet.
No I don't have any of Do most guys order from a specific supplier, or just off Amazon?
I think you'll find most ppl in here like the ease and simplicity of pre sterilized vials. I myself don't follow that method but it's certainly simple if not painfully slow for my liking.
Still pretty new to homebrewing, but really enjoy learning here. I like knowing exactly what's in the brew and being confident in cleanliness.

So far, I've been ordering the pre-sterilized 10ml vials. Getting ready to order another case and started to think...if I don't really trust the pre-made gear, why would I trust that these no-name vials from Amazon are actually sterile?

Did a little more looking, and I've convinced myself that I may just order 100 vials, stoppers/tops, and a crimping tool and just sterilize a couple dozen at a time in a pressure cooker at home. I know its a little more work but I kind of enjoy homebrewing. Not trying to save a bunch of $ (although it is a little cheaper)...just really trying to control the cleanliness of that part of the process.

Any other homebrewers sterilize and cap their own vials? If so, any advice or tips? Recommendations on cap crimping tool?
Trust and Confidence in Sterility:
I have never order the pre sterilized vial. It is very convenience. Unfortunately, it is difficult to verify sterility. The microbe cell culturing must be conduct to test it. Anyway, I belive the most supplier provide good quality steriled vial

Decision to Self-Sterilize:
I sterilized the crimped vial in pressure cooker then recrimped it after sterilization to ensure the cap is tight.

Safety concern:
In my case I transfer the AAS by syringe and filter though to steriled vial.I don't have clean desk with ISO 5 standard. However, the transfer in sterile environment like this should be sufficient. It is OK for small batch without large production.
In larger scale you need to sterilie via large filter to flask. Then transfer it to open vial. The clean desk with ISO 5 is a must.

I hope you enjoy your journey as I do.
I sterilise my own vials, for my own personal use, if you look through the threads I've posted you'll find a write up how to do it, you don't need a laminar flow hood with my method, I have a laminar flow hood gathering dust
I don't feel it measures up to my standards on sterilization to sterilize my own vials. It introduces the possibilities of hair or fibers into your vial unless you have a laminar flow hood and your entire room is free of particulate and anything airborne like most people's homes commonly have.

It's much easier to filter into pre sterilized vials. I trust medlabsupply for vials. I wouldn't trust the amazon or ebay cheap ones.
I don't feel it measures up to my standards on sterilization to sterilize my own vials. It introduces the possibilities of hair or fibers into your vial unless you have a laminar flow hood and your entire room is free of particulate and anything airborne like most people's homes commonly have.

It's much easier to filter into pre sterilized vials. I trust medlabsupply for vials. I wouldn't trust the amazon or ebay cheap ones.
personally have never had that happen in 20 years of homebrewing. at least nothing ive seen or had an infection from. some simple steps of cleanliness are necessary. also over the years ive evolved (or de-evolved however you want to see it) from laminar flow hoods to glove bags/boxes to now its a clean closet with hepa air filtration. my filtering and transfer methods are not akin to using presterilized, precapped vials. im betting for most ppl on this board syringe filters and pre sterilized vials is the way to go
I've been home brewing for personal use for 20yrs. Stopped using sterilized vials in the 2nd year. I'll reuse 100ml vials for years, just decap them, refill and cap again. 45um filter for the finished brew. Any 10ml vials I use, I pull out of the 100 pack and fill with finished oil and cap.

BA in the brew kills shit from growing in the vial.

I've not once had a single problem with infection and I've shot multiple liter's of homebrew!

In the last 12mths, I started running everything through a pressure cooker as well after filtered and capped. Not to sterilize it, but to stabilize high dose brews to stop them crashing. Up side is that it might also help with sterilization.

Junkies literally pick used syringes up off the street, cook in a crusty spoon and filter with a cigarette butt filter which is made of carcinogenic chemicals.... Then mainline that shit straight into the bloodstream.

The human body is amazingly resilient!

Do I recommend that anyone does what I do... NO! Just pointing out that people might be just a little anal and it creates unneeded barriers of entry to home brewing. Just be clean and take some basic precautions. Consider the room your working in, you local environment (If your prone to damp/mold, you might want to put extra measures in place), wash your hands/wear gloves. Home brewing is for yourself... You judge what your comfortable putting into your own body!

If that means a flow hood and autoclave, so be it! That's the beauty of home brewing, you are literally in control of everything!

For most people homebrewing, pre-sterilized vials and filter straight into them is going to be what they are comfortable doing and the lowest cost (No flow hood/clean room required but gives a good outcome)
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personally have never had that happen in 20 years of homebrewing. at least nothing ive seen or had an infection from. some simple steps of cleanliness are necessary. also over the years ive evolved (or de-evolved however you want to see it) from laminar flow hoods to glove bags/boxes to now its a clean closet with hepa air filtration. my filtering and transfer methods are not akin to using presterilized, precapped vials. im betting for most ppl on this board syringe filters and pre sterilized vials is the way to go
I have considered glove boxes, I think it would actually be more sterile then just a laminar flow hood. But I'm comfortable with my process and that's what I feel is important. Since you're the one injecting it, it's best YOU feel comfortable with your end product. Not others