Rektest - Death is available log

And what about you, now?

The only mistake was the "location" this was written in and the only apology is to OP. That's all.
What the individual you mention does here is all is doing, not anyone else's.

You know, the owner can allow what he wishes, here, I don't have a problem with that.
The problem is with someone dressing things up in a way they are not, even after revealing what they are doing with consent.
The bullshit, the constant crying is unbearable and pathetic.

I only vocalised what is visible when others did not, but it does not mean I was the only one to notice. Lol, no.
None of this is a matter of opinion.

I am like, do it, but cut the crap and victimhood.
We know what he does, there is no need to try make it pretty.

I also find it quite interesting how some people (aka you) have been criticising Spaceman Spiff for having vested, undisclosed interests but someone else being on this forum, doing what he allegedly does, needs an apology, just for pointing out things that are there for everyone to see.
Double standards and manipulation?

I personally couldn't care less if Spiff sells, it's his business and he does not bother anyone with it, on the forum.
I don't see Spaceman giving away free gear and posting pictures of what he sells for a bit of free advertising.

He is not calling customer recruitment (for his business strictly outside Meso) charity work, donations without consequence.
And on and on it goes. No.

If he did, you'd be up in arms, and some.
You don't like him and that would justify your outrage.
Spiff has been vocal about what you have been doing here, the other person has slyly avoided but, if i were you, I wouldn't be so sure their opinions present many differences.

But maybe you should consider apologising to Spiff, as he has repeatedly stated he has no skin in the Meso game.

If you like to continue to commiserate the marketing campaign, go ahead.
I have said what I wanted (in the wrong location, yes), it all still stands and OP must have his thread back.

Just remember what happened to you and your threads and think that you are the one doing the same in someone else's, now.
You've got your facts wrong and apparently have lost the plot at this point.

Best regards. Take care of yourself.
Because your stupid and so far from the truth, that's why.. Its so ridiculous stupid how you think you have me figured out.. and everytime everywhere you say something about me indirectly I will be here to defend myself.. I will state it one more time.. If I sold my gear to people here on meso I would say so, because I don't give .. 1 person that's it...Why it bothers you so much I have no clue..
I don't need yours or anyone's sympathy...or want it... Yes I make gear for a few people.. but not anyone I know from meso? But why would you even give a shit what the hell i do.. I know personal things about you as well but you don't hear me on here using the things I know about you to try and humiliate you, and I won't cause I'm better than that.. following you again. You are very bitter and hateful... Try and use this forum for what it's for.. why are tou so interested in bringing me up. By doing so you inviting me. .
You have great opportunity to leave me out of your conversations and never hear from me again.. its up to you
Still stalking
You've got your facts wrong and apparently have lost the plot at this point.

Best regards. Take care of yourself.

Sure, Readalot.
Thank you for stopping by, again, and for your wishes.

Also, thank you for your advice to be careful, here.
You were correct and this is no place for naivety.

And for telling me to not listen to anybody, but make my mind up looking at the evidence.
I agree, that being also why I like looking at both sides of the fence.

All the best with your gh experiment, I hope the side effects are mild and will dissipate.

May your testing campaign find support amongst sources (when things start moving again) and more members, rather than encounter the opposition (declared or undeclared) due to vested interests you were perceiving was at play.

These forums need honest, smart, cultured people like yourself to shift some darkness away.
We were waiting for your GIF.
Well done
You stated before I was mean, or evil, something of that nature ; I can't recall. Your ramblings can be hard to follow, and google translate doesn't have "Karen" yet. Despite what you may think about me, I take no pleasure in berating you ; it will not lead to any positive change. Instead, it will reinforce stigma and make you feel even more isolated. But, since you inferred I was an idiot incapable of stringing a sentence together. With your encouragement I'll take the liberty of articulating a few observations.

here is an elephant in the room with every thread you enter. You spout off uninhibited by anti-psychotics, slowly floating up to your peak state of mental euphoria ; only to have your wings clipped and crash land once again.
Your delusional frequent use of the pronoun "we," suggests that you speak for the entirety of the community. I see recently as your mania is again spiraling you have begun referring to yourself as "the CEO".

You attempt to inaccurately present yourself as an intellectual by throwing the odd obscure term into the walls of text that you furiously bang into the keypad of your device day in and day out. You constantly chime in on questions then pass the hat recommending others to answer for you.

I have no doubt that many people giggle when you click "like" on posts about poor behaviors here. You are oblivious to the fact that the negative implications stated, ironically, apply directly to you.

A psychology case study could be made on cognitive dissonance citing the one-way online romances you attempt with some members here. You grovel in a pathetic manner that no self-respecting person could ever approve of.

You overcompensate for your own ineptitude and lack of experience by acting as the resident volunteer crossing guard. You're pendantic attacks for minor mistakes in forum etiquette combined with pseudo-intellectual trolling
come across as completely unhinged in your tragic attempts at humor.


You say you hate bullies, yet it often seems those who present themselves as virtuous are the ones most disconnected from true moral integrity.

You are literally the only person here I would consider blocking, but since I tend to read the forum while not signed in, it would serve no purpose.
Be careful out there and here.

AI gives scammers an edge, Campbell said. Through artificial intelligence, scammers can change their appearance or voice on a video call. They can create fake photos as well.

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This log sure has devolved into a total shitshow with all these attacks and innuendoes. I do see the risks that @RekTest took with all the crazy compounds and sure hope he's learned his lesson by now.

But why all the attacks on one another? Frankly, it's getting retarded literally. Life is so short so we should all be enjoying it!
LMAO at title, you been here how long fatso? And you decide to latch onto a tranny? Just do it, or just don't, nobody cares, not even the tranny granny.
In other words what I've been saying - STFU and go back to your knitting circle stupid. You are unwanted here, never have been wanted here.

LMAO at title, you been here how long fatso? And you decide to latch onto a tranny? Just do it, or just don't, nobody cares, not even the tranny granny.
these aren't needed..

There are plenty of women on this forum that don't act in this manner.

Let's not lump them all together or start slinging the "tranny" insults.
these aren't needed..

There are plenty of women on this forum that don't act in this manner.

Let's not lump them all together or start slinging the "tranny" insults.
Oh, I agree, there are many worthwhile women here. Just not in this thread is all, and not spouting silliness at every opportunity. Just one specific one, that this jagoff calls mommy.