You've got your facts wrong and apparently have lost the plot at this point.And what about you, now?
The only mistake was the "location" this was written in and the only apology is to OP. That's all.
What the individual you mention does here is all is doing, not anyone else's.
You know, the owner can allow what he wishes, here, I don't have a problem with that.
The problem is with someone dressing things up in a way they are not, even after revealing what they are doing with consent.
The bullshit, the constant crying is unbearable and pathetic.
I only vocalised what is visible when others did not, but it does not mean I was the only one to notice. Lol, no.
None of this is a matter of opinion.
I am like, do it, but cut the crap and victimhood.
We know what he does, there is no need to try make it pretty.
I also find it quite interesting how some people (aka you) have been criticising Spaceman Spiff for having vested, undisclosed interests but someone else being on this forum, doing what he allegedly does, needs an apology, just for pointing out things that are there for everyone to see.
Double standards and manipulation?
I personally couldn't care less if Spiff sells, it's his business and he does not bother anyone with it, on the forum.
I don't see Spaceman giving away free gear and posting pictures of what he sells for a bit of free advertising.
He is not calling customer recruitment (for his business strictly outside Meso) charity work, donations without consequence.
And on and on it goes. No.
If he did, you'd be up in arms, and some.
You don't like him and that would justify your outrage.
Spiff has been vocal about what you have been doing here, the other person has slyly avoided but, if i were you, I wouldn't be so sure their opinions present many differences.
But maybe you should consider apologising to Spiff, as he has repeatedly stated he has no skin in the Meso game.
If you like to continue to commiserate the marketing campaign, go ahead.
I have said what I wanted (in the wrong location, yes), it all still stands and OP must have his thread back.
Just remember what happened to you and your threads and think that you are the one doing the same in someone else's, now.
Best regards. Take care of yourself.