Artvigil's great, and you won't go wrong with Bama's advice.
For about a 5% premium, I recommend the 50's instead of 150. They allow you to "modulate" the dose for longer or shorter duration more easily than screwing around with cutting tabs. It's easy to take 3 x 50 tabs, or 4 if you have an early start and need a little more to last you, or 2 if you get up later than usual and don't want it to last as long.
Modawake is also made by the same company as Modvigil. They're both good Modafinil 200s, but Modawake is a clone of the Modalert formulation, and Modvigil is unique, Maybe get some of both. They'll both work well but I notice a difference in time to take effect, duration, and intensity, The tablets are visibly different, it's not just a packaging difference.
I know I know, "list". I haven't even gotten my own 20% off order in yet so cut me some slack

I need to sit at my desk for both and haven't been able to through no fault of my own. Soon....