Preferred HMG source


New Member
Looking at getting HMG, was wondering if Meriofert from turkey I believe would be a better choice over Indian sourced HMG like Lupi and others?
I've never actually added HMG to my regimen, but I'm curious as to what you are looking into for? Fertility reasons?
Have you got a semen analysis on strictly HCG? I posted my results on here not too long ago of what my levels were from using 33IU weekly and I was still fertile on that dose with normal morphology and 75% motility. My wife and I are actively trying. We have had 3 miscarriages in the past two years, but not sure of the cause. My Dr. just upped my dose up to 50IU weekly to get my count up a little higher. I wish you the best of luck, brother. Fertility issues come with a lot of ups and downs for both partners.
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I need to clarify my last post better. It's 50 ML three times per week is what I'm currently prescribed right now, which I believe comes out to 750 IU per week.

