Primo Test blend: couple of prelim questions


New Member
Hi guys

interested in brewing primo E and test blends after I see how my current cycle is going. The plan is to have two different concentrations , one for cycling and the other for TRT+ purposes.

just two basic questions for now:

1. Can I use Test-E instead of test -c for the blend ? I see in threads most folks discuss using cyp. I suspect that’s because t-c has closer half life to primo -e (8d cup, 10d primo ) vs test -e (I think it’s 4 days ?). As far as brewing it as the two test esters both good for the blend brew ? I only have test -e to use so ideally I can just keep brewing this stash until used up.

2. I see guys mostly brwing 1:1 or close to that ratio. I’m looking for a much higher primo ratio. I aromatize quite a bit typically so right now in my second week i am running almost double primo. Once I get my e2 checked and dial in a dose protocol is there a limit to making the brew from a ratio perspective ? Say 500-600 primo vs 350 test per week. How would you blend this for 2x week pin ? I’m doing daily pins at the moment because I only had test -prop to use when I started once I get some of my test-e brewed i want to switch to.2x per week.

for my TRT+ I’d be doing 140-150 test per week plus whatever primo would work for me under that scenario.

thank you very much. Appreciate any feedback as far as what ratios are brewable. Plan on using MCT oil, ba/bb and EO if needed.

thank you.
Blends are not good.
You can't change your mind about dosages.

And primo for most people have AI properties.
It would suck to realize even tho you used it for couple months, your tolerance quickly changes and you need different ratios. It happened for lots of ppl.

"I aromatize quite a bit typically so right now in my second week i am running almost double primo."
2 weeks idont think qualifies you for knowing your sweetspot.

its not a hussle, you can just get an empty vial and make a blend afterwards. 1 by 1 vials.