Primo/Var cycle

We were able to work things out. I'm lucky that we're resilient and don't want to give up on each other. I'll keep updating when I can.
Met with coach today. Down 9% BF (goal was 6%) up 10 pounds of muscle.. Yeah, 10. LBM was 140 and it's 150 now. She's down to 21% BF. Goal is to get 5 more In 4 weeks
I didn't ask her what she's weighing as of yesterday.

She's planning on competing in November now. Right now her coach is working on her prep.
She's got 2 more weeks left on both the Anavar and Primo (we're going to cut it short on the primo).
She's had phenomenal results from both compounds and the diet change. She still wants to do figure but I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up doing physique.
We haven't upped to dosage for either compound so still at 50mg primo/week and 20mg of anavar/day. I'll post before/after pics soon.
Her sides came back a little. Swollen clit for a few days after sex. She said she's noticed more sensitivity again. Nothing to even worry about though honestly.
I didn't ask her what she's weighing as of yesterday.

She's planning on competing in November now. Right now her coach is working on her prep.
She's got 2 more weeks left on both the Anavar and Primo (we're going to cut it short on the primo).
She's had phenomenal results from both compounds and the diet change. She still wants to do figure but I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up doing physique.
We haven't upped to dosage for either compound so still at 50mg primo/week and 20mg of anavar/day. I'll post before/after pics soon.
Her sides came back a little. Swollen clit for a few days after sex. She said she's noticed more sensitivity again. Nothing to even worry about though honestly.
Thanks for the update. Any hair loss towards the end of the cycle and why is she cutting her Primo cycle short?
Thanks for the update. Any hair loss towards the end of the cycle and why is she cutting her Primo cycle short?
No hair loss. And that was her coach's decision. I'm assuming it's due to the fact that she's competing earlier than she planned to. So all in all it will be 8 weeks on both.
Hey @Flabby How is your GF's cycle going?
Hey sorry I haven't been keeping up. I haven't even been up on my own thread. Prep has me fried already.
She's looking pretty amazing honestly. Love handles are.. Nearly gone. She has lines in her stomach she never had before. You can start to see some visible abs. Her shoulders and back are wide as hell and with her waist shrinking it just brings that out more. A lot of her pants have loose waistbands now. I don't know her weight or BF rugright now because we only see each other on the weekends due to her new schedule. If I had to guess? Around 18-19% BF. Down from 30 from the start. She was clipped last time at 20 and shes trying to get down to 15. So she may be closer to that 18%. She has digestion issues so she's bloated a lot so it's hard to tell sometimes but she's done in 2 weeks I think so we'll see the results soon
Hey sorry I haven't been keeping up. I haven't even been up on my own thread. Prep has me fried already.
She's looking pretty amazing honestly. Love handles are.. Nearly gone. She has lines in her stomach she never had before. You can start to see some visible abs. Her shoulders and back are wide as hell and with her waist shrinking it just brings that out more. A lot of her pants have loose waistbands now. I don't know her weight or BF rugright now because we only see each other on the weekends due to her new schedule. If I had to guess? Around 18-19% BF. Down from 30 from the start. She was clipped last time at 20 and shes trying to get down to 15. So she may be closer to that 18%. She has digestion issues so she's bloated a lot so it's hard to tell sometimes but she's done in 2 weeks I think so we'll see the results soon
Nice! Can't wait for the pics! Thanks for the update!
So she still has week left. She starts prep Friday so we're done with this log. PhotoGrid_1466099753435.jpg
I'll have weight/bodyfat results once she meets with coach. The left was actually first night with coach so she was on a few weeks before that and I have a picture I can't post (sorry, titties and cooch) that shows a crazier transformation. I don't think the picture does her justice but here it is. I'll post BF/weight results soon :)
So she still has week left. She starts prep Friday so we're done with this log. View attachment 44334
I'll have weight/bodyfat results once she meets with coach. The left was actually first night with coach so she was on a few weeks before that and I have a picture I can't post (sorry, titties and cooch) that shows a crazier transformation. I don't think the picture does her justice but here it is. I'll post BF/weight results soon :)

Wow. That is quite a transformation. That took dedication and work. She looks freakin' great! What an accomplishment!

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