Primobolan first time women


New Member
I am a 26yr old and have been on and off from anavar , i take my breaks and never go above 5mg dosage. I am wanting to try primo for my first time ever and put some lean muscle . So my question here is “what is the recommended dosage for Primobolan Depot, how many weeks, and do I need a DHT blocker ?
im trying to avoid the side effects as much as possible.
I am a 26yr old and have been on and off from anavar , i take my breaks and never go above 5mg dosage. I am wanting to try primo for my first time ever and put some lean muscle . So my question here is “what is the recommended dosage for Primobolan Depot, how many weeks, and do I need a DHT blocker ?
im trying to avoid the side effects as much as possible.

Why not try oral primo first to see how you react to it before you go injecting it?
It was not available from the lab I wanted to use (Bayer) I also have been taking oral anavar so I wanted to switch to something that’s inyectable

Switching from var to oral primo won't be a problem as both are mild and dose is quite low, but if you want to go straight to primo-e a good start would be 50mg/EW and after 4 weeks you don't develop any unwanted sides you can up dose to 75-100. Run for 10-12 weeks.
My wife tolerates var really well but had a lot of unwanted sides at 50mg ew of primo e. Like @JetsFan said. Start low and monitor from there. Her cycle had to get dropped at week 4 so that's a solid timeframe to judge how you respond. You might be like most and be absolutely fine at that dose or a little higher
I purchased hilma primo for my wife and am still trying to learn as much as I can from past user experiences. I was thinking either 20-25mgs twice a week and see how it goes from there. It will most likely be a while before she starts any sort of primo though. She is loving her var runs so far.

Trying to not hijack the thread but I do appreciate everyone’s input here.
My wife tolerates var really well but had a lot of unwanted sides at 50mg ew of primo e. Like @JetsFan said. Start low and monitor from there. Her cycle had to get dropped at week 4 so that's a solid timeframe to judge how you respond. You might be like most and be absolutely fine at that dose or a little higher
What sides did she get?
i am thinking of just doing 25mg EW and see if I can still put some decent mass without having to go on a high dose.
What sides did she get?
i am thinking of just doing 25mg EW and see if I can still put some decent mass without having to go on a high dose.

The short of it is, she experienced clitoral sensitivity to the point that walking wasn't fun. It was not a good side for her at all. Then came the clitoral growth. That was unacceptable to her and she stopped the cycle. It took 3 weeks but everything went back to normal. She ended at 50mg ew that was a bit much for her. With var she likes 10mg ed split 5 mg am 5 mg pm. So though she would be fine.
The short of it is, she experienced clitoral sensitivity to the point that walking wasn't fun. It was not a good side for her at all. Then came the clitoral growth. That was unacceptable to her and she stopped the cycle. It took 3 weeks but everything went back to normal. She ended at 50mg ew that was a bit much for her. With var she likes 10mg ed split 5 mg am 5 mg pm. So though she would be fine.
Thank you for sharing this! I will start off with 25mg every 10 days. I have done some research (not sure how true this is) but primo takes 10 days for it to be eliminated from the woman’s body , therefor if a women injects every 7 days 50mg it will start overlapping and reach DHT faster and will start seeing side effects .
What sides did she get?
i am thinking of just doing 25mg EW and see if I can still put some decent mass without having to go on a high dose.
From what I’ve read and from personal anecdotes 10-25mg is a very low dose for women and upwards of 100mg is an acceptable dose for women. I’ve run oral anavar at 10mg/day split into 5mg doses twice daily and acne (which got worse as I came off of it before it got better) and increased libido were the only notable side effects I experienced. I am also looking to do primobolan for my next AAS cycle. I am going to opt for the injectable primo enanthate as I want to avoid the typical liver toxicity that is seen with oral AAS use. I plan on running 50mg/week split into two doses of 25mg each (on Monday and Friday) as dosing twice weekly is ideal for maintaining blood levels with the primo half life. I want to run it for 12 weeks as from my understanding it’s effects don’t leak until 6 weeks and I want to ensure it’s at optimal levels for an adequate amount of time during the cycle. The last 8 weeks of the primo cycle, I plan on adding 5mg/day of Anavar split into 2.5mg doses twice daily (less anavar than I took previously). Based on the info I’ve gathered, this is more than reasonable for a female. Hope this helps!
I would definitely try anavar at more than 5mg before jumping to pins. Superdrol (buy an injectable version and take orally for easy dosing) is also an option.

2 weeks @5mg, 2 weeks @10mg for Var usually does very well. Push higher than 10 and you dip into a much higher likelihood of sides.

Standard doses for primo for first time females are typically 50-100mg as mentioned above. Unwanted sides usually come in refusing to accept if a drug is friendly to you or not; so be aware of any changes you notice.

As far as the post on overlapping; saturation is goal of injectables. You don’t want to space out pins further, you want to reduce the dose per pin so you get a level saturated blood level.
Switching from var to oral primo won't be a problem as both are mild and dose is quite low, but if you want to go straight to primo-e a good start would be 50mg/EW and after 4 weeks you don't develop any unwanted sides you can up dose to 75-100. Run for 10-12 weeks.
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