Primobolan or Masteron?


New Member
Hey y’all. So I’m a fairly inexperienced AAS user. Today marks almost exactly one year of being on TRT. I’m 28 years old and take 175mg/week (50mg EOD). I have dabbled with doses of 250mg and 375mg for about 6 weeks each at different times and loved the increased performance in the gym and really just pure confidence and energy I felt with life in general.

I want to add a second compound to the dose of 375mg test. I have access to Bayer Primo and UGL Masteron. Primo is expensive but I’d like to stick with pharmaceutical grade compounds if possible so would y’all say it’s worth adding something small like 1 amp primo/week to 375mg test or should I try something like 200mg Masteron enanthate? I don’t want to mess with Deca (yet) because of the potential neurological effects and estrogen side effects.

Basically, I’m just looking for some sound advice on how to safely dabble in the world of a moderate but productive cycle using two compounds +

Thank you!
Don’t know about primo vs masteron, but if your Bayer Primo doesn’t come from your pharmacy and is bought online then I would not take that. These are almost always fakes (to my experience at least). So if you go for primo and it’s not from a prescription, then it’s better to buy primo from a reputable UGL.
Don’t know about primo vs masteron, but if your Bayer Primo doesn’t come from your pharmacy and is bought online then I would not take that. These are almost always fakes (to my experience at least). So if you go for primo and it’s not from a prescription, then it’s better to buy primo from a reputable UGL.
I have two very legitimate sources for the Bayer Primo, both from Turkey. The problem is they cost between $13-20 per ampule. The cost/benefit is hard to justify. I agree that a good UGL might be the correct move
Don’t know about primo vs masteron, but if your Bayer Primo doesn’t come from your pharmacy and is bought online then I would not take that. These are almost always fakes (to my experience at least). So if you go for primo and it’s not from a prescription, then it’s better to buy primo from a reputable UGL.
This myth is pretty out of date. It was faked a lot back in the day which is how this saying got started, but nowadays with the access to Chinese raws fake primo is a lot harder to come by. You're more likely to get fake anavar honestly.
This myth is pretty out of date. It was faked a lot back in the day which is how this saying got started, but nowadays with the access to Chinese raws fake primo is a lot harder to come by. You're more likely to get fake anavar honestly.
I was talking specifically about Bayer Primo. It’s hard to get real Bayer Primo from online sources.
1. Why not keep it test only but run it longer than 6 weeks. You’re just getting there at 6 weeks.. kinda pointless

2. Inwoukdnt waste the money on primo for that low of a dose.

3. It seems “pharma” primo is the one faked the most. Plenty of good ugl here selling quality primo.

4. I vote test only, especially at the doses you’re wanting to run.


From what I've gathered from information spread across the net, videos and forum lores; its just personal preference, response and access to quality primo.

Lots of us who don't have direct access to tested powder, will opt for masteron since the chances of receiving masteron substituted for primo is high anyway.

Guys who live in countries where they could get it from pharmacies will opt for primo in growth phases and switch to masteron on prep.

Weigh your options and roi then decide.
1. Why not keep it test only but run it longer than 6 weeks. You’re just getting there at 6 weeks.. kinda pointless

2. Inwoukdnt waste the money on primo for that low of a dose.

3. It seems “pharma” primo is the one faked the most. Plenty of good ugl here selling quality primo.

4. I vote test only, especially at the doses you’re wanting to run.
@Fattyone makes a good point too. If you've felt good benefits from just Test, why not consider extending its cycle? This way, you can gauge the prolonged effects of Test at different doses without introducing more variables.