Testo Enanthate + Primo + Masteron


New Member
Hi to all,

I'm actually taking 250mg/ml Testosterone Enanthate + 2 x 100mg/ml Primobolan Enanthate.
In particular, I take Testo+Primo on saturday, in a single injection, and additional 100mg/ml Primo on Wednesday.
I was wondering if it is worth to add also Masteron since I have it and it has good quality.

I never used Masteron, so I do not know how my body will react.
Is Masteron a 19-nor?

Can Masteron have an effect on Estrogens?
By taking Primo together with Testo, I noticed that the E2 decreases compared to when I take testosterone alone.

At the moment, I'm trying to add/keep muscle mass while paying attention to calories.

Are there any contraindications to Primo and Masteron in the same cycle?

Thank you
Hi to all,

I'm actually taking 250mg/ml Testosterone Enanthate + 2 x 100mg/ml Primobolan Enanthate.
In particular, I take Testo+Primo on saturday, in a single injection, and additional 100mg/ml Primo on Wednesday.
I was wondering if it is worth to add also Masteron since I have it and it has good quality.

I never used Masteron, so I do not know how my body will react.
Is Masteron a 19-nor?

Can Masteron have an effect on Estrogens?
By taking Primo together with Testo, I noticed that the E2 decreases compared to when I take testosterone alone.

At the moment, I'm trying to add/keep muscle mass while paying attention to calories.

Are there any contraindications to Primo and Masteron in the same cycle?

Thank you
Masteron isn't a 19 nor

"Masteron is known for its anti-estrogenic nature, which is due to its ability to inhibit the enzymes responsible for the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen."

Stacking mast + Primo could in theory create problems with low estrogen, so maintaining the proper ratio of test-to-DHTs becomes more of a factor and consideration
Hi to all,

I'm actually taking 250mg/ml Testosterone Enanthate + 2 x 100mg/ml Primobolan Enanthate.
In particular, I take Testo+Primo on saturday, in a single injection, and additional 100mg/ml Primo on Wednesday.
I was wondering if it is worth to add also Masteron since I have it and it has good quality.

I never used Masteron, so I do not know how my body will react.
Is Masteron a 19-nor?

Can Masteron have an effect on Estrogens?
By taking Primo together with Testo, I noticed that the E2 decreases compared to when I take testosterone alone.

At the moment, I'm trying to add/keep muscle mass while paying attention to calories.

Are there any contraindications to Primo and Masteron in the same cycle?

Thank you
you should probably learn more about this before using PEDs, but by now...
Masteron isn't a 19 nor

"Masteron is known for its anti-estrogenic nature, which is due to its ability to inhibit the enzymes responsible for the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen."

Stacking mast + Primo could in theory create problems with low estrogen, so maintaining the proper ratio of test-to-DHTs becomes more of a factor and consideration
Thank you a lot for your advice!
"Is masteron a 19-nor"

Spoonfeeding-tier question. No one answer this guy any further. Needs to do more research.
Internet is full of website reporting information about steroids. Many of them are translated from English to other languages with errors, other ones include errors because the information is provided by normal users.

You can study and do researches when you are using legit scientific papers or, in general, documents.

Can you please share with me a scientific paper where there is a comparison between different steroids, their composition and their effects?

I'm sorry, but I cannot trust non-scientific documents.

I asked about the 19-nor just to get the confirmation by supposing that there are some experienced users here in this forum.
If you don’t want to trust lay people’s classification of steroid hormones that’s fine, but then it’s on you to look at all of their chemical structures and confirm their classification yourself rather than ask about things tantamount to common knowledge

In addition, for the nonbioidentical compounds, there won’t be numerous clinical trials or even review articles at doses for anabolic purposes, and if there are they’re likely going to be based on self-reported dosing. You’re honestly going to have to mostly utilize anecdotal knowledge for nonbioidenticals
Yes, I know that I will have to rely on anecdotal experiences, but at least, by using the forum, it is possible to share everything in a more fast and reliable way than only reading some documents on the web written from nobody.

I have many messages on this forum and I think I never postesd stupid content or questions. Sometimes, I post questions to get confirmations about some specific topics.
I still have yet to see a single study showing Masteron actually lowers estrogen. But if you don’t have the basic ability to search a compound, you shouldn’t be self administering anything.
Hi to all,

I'm actually taking 250mg/ml Testosterone Enanthate + 2 x 100mg/ml Primobolan Enanthate.
In particular, I take Testo+Primo on saturday, in a single injection, and additional 100mg/ml Primo on Wednesday.
I was wondering if it is worth to add also Masteron since I have it and it has good quality.

I never used Masteron, so I do not know how my body will react.
Is Masteron a 19-nor?

Can Masteron have an effect on Estrogens?
By taking Primo together with Testo, I noticed that the E2 decreases compared to when I take testosterone alone.

At the moment, I'm trying to add/keep muscle mass while paying attention to calories.

Are there any contraindications to Primo and Masteron in the same cycle?

Thank you
What a train wreck this whole thing is. Like the members above have pointed out you clearly need to do more research on these topics and not rely on random strangers on the internet to do your research for you.

You’re injecting your test e 1x per week and don’t even know what type of Hormones you’re trying to leverage, or the mechanisms of the drugs you are actively taking.

You might consider starting out with just a basic test cycle until you learn to dial in your protocol, injection frequency, and the basics like that.

Best of luck to you man
..and you deduced this from what exactly?
Hmm let’s see where I may have deduced this from
In particular, I take Testo+Primo on saturday, in a single injection,
The part about your 1x test injection I got here
never used Masteron, so I do not know how my body will react.
Is Masteron a 19-nor?
and here is where you display that you are unaware of what type of hormone you’re trying to leverage.
Can Masteron have an effect on Estrogens?

Also here is where you show that you don’t understand the mechanism of the drug. Hope that helps.
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Hmm let’s see where I may have deduced this from

The part about your 1x test injection I got here
Oh, I see, so in your own world, one weekly injection of 250mg/1ml testosterone is bad, is it correct? Should I inject 35 mg of testosterone every single day in your opinion?

About the estrogens, I found some web sites discussing about the possibility to have the estrogens reduced while on Masteron, then I also found other documents reporting that it does not affect the E2 and that it's just an urban legend. This is why I asked in the forum.
man i came in here expecting some serious talk about running primo and mast together and balancing free T, e2 and dht... kinda how Todd Lee and John Jewett have recently mentioned in videos of late.... but this shit is a flop. OP just stick to your TRT test and do more research before fucking with AAS
man i came in here expecting some serious talk about running primo and mast together and balancing free T, e2 and dht... kinda how Todd Lee and John Jewett have recently mentioned in videos of late.... but this shit is a flop. OP just stick to your TRT test and do more research before fucking with AAS
250mg/ml is not a TRT dose.
Hi to all,

I'm actually taking 250mg/ml Testosterone Enanthate + 2 x 100mg/ml Primobolan Enanthate.
In particular, I take Testo+Primo on saturday, in a single injection, and additional 100mg/ml Primo on Wednesday.
I was wondering if it is worth to add also Masteron since I have it and it has good quality.

I never used Masteron, so I do not know how my body will react.
Is Masteron a 19-nor?

Can Masteron have an effect on Estrogens?
By taking Primo together with Testo, I noticed that the E2 decreases compared to when I take testosterone alone.

At the moment, I'm trying to add/keep muscle mass while paying attention to calories.

Are there any contraindications to Primo and Masteron in the same cycle?

Thank you

Please buy a good rated book / e-book of AAS Usage and the Hormones in men! The way you do your cycle and the way u ask that question showes me that you're understanding zero! Very sad!

--> Masteron (also known as Drostanolone) is an injectable AAS derived from Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

--> Nandrolone (also known as 19-nortestosterone and estrenolone) is a Testosterone derivative and the injectable AAS from which popular compounds like Trenbolone and Trestolone are derived. Has nothing to do with Masteron!!

"Can Masteron have an effect on Estrogens?" --> YES!

I guess it's your first cycle....no need for all this compunds! Just stick with test, pin more frequent to keep E2 in range....keep an AI on hand, protect your liver, heart and kidneys!

You've only one health! Don't play with it!

Any pics from your current shape? Age? Size?