Primobolan - Water Retention & Edema


Does anybody else experience these systems while running Test + Primo ? I'm doing 1:1 ratio of just about 300:300 a week, split into two, Monday & Thursday so 150 each compound on monday, same on Thursday. 600mg total oil, anabolics or whatever term you wanna call it per week.

Other than the side effects im listing below I feel really good, like a different person Idk how to explain it and its not even a lot. I really like this mixture.

After a few weeks on primo i've noticed im gaining weight where I defineely dont want to be I'm getting fat. And I'm definetely getting Edema. My feet are swelling up where I've had to get some really loose new shoes and my legs are thicc, extra weight around the stomach/hips areas. I don't think It's an e2 issue I always aromatized highly where even just on regular TRT 100mg a week i had high e2 range.

Is there anything I can do to lessen this side effect, especically the feet, my feet are so swollen with water retention I cant wear my shoes lol

Note, this only started week after intrdocuing primo into my protocol it was just 200mg of test mon/thurs before with zero issues.

Thanks all
Does anybody else experience these systems while running Test + Primo ? I'm doing 1:1 ratio of just about 300:300 a week, split into two, Monday & Thursday so 150 each compound on monday, same on Thursday. 600mg total oil, anabolics or whatever term you wanna call it per week.

Other than the side effects im listing below I feel really good, like a different person Idk how to explain it and its not even a lot. I really like this mixture.

After a few weeks on primo i've noticed im gaining weight where I defineely dont want to be I'm getting fat. And I'm definetely getting Edema. My feet are swelling up where I've had to get some really loose new shoes and my legs are thicc, extra weight around the stomach/hips areas. I don't think It's an e2 issue I always aromatized highly where even just on regular TRT 100mg a week i had high e2 range.

Is there anything I can do to lessen this side effect, especically the feet, my feet are so swollen with water retention I cant wear my shoes lol

Note, this only started week after intrdocuing primo into my protocol it was just 200mg of test mon/thurs before with zero issues.

Thanks all

What type of effect do you get without this side effect ?
Primo need around 6 weeks to start to work really

And ... What lab do you use ? Because Primo are lot counterfeit :-(

It's not normal to have this side effect from Primo.

From my side when i add Primo on my TRT, i have less water retention, the quality of the muscle are better, better skin, better mood, more motivation, stimulate the appetit very well, more libido and add some vascularity / pump.
What's your E2?
Haven't had bloods recently and my piece of shit doctor here in Canada always birches and moan

What type of effect do you get without this side effect ?
Primo need around 6 weeks to start to work really

And ... What lab do you use ? Because Primo are lot counterfeit :-(

It's not normal to have this side effect from Primo.

From my side when i add Primo on my TRT, i have less water retention, the quality of the muscle are better, better skin, better mood, more motivation, stimulate the appetit very well, more libido and add some vascularity / pump.
I'm using QSC now since beginning of May, 200mg/mL,and theres an abundance of testing available on this batch here on meso so I'm very confident in the product.

It was out of stock for a quite sometime and highly anticipated due to their amazing prices so when it hit the shelves many like myself stocked up.

If ya just search for like QSC Primo many individuals sent reports into Jano & are Showing it come in around 190mg/mL. G2G
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clean up your diet up your water intake and add some cardio
Thanks alot for feedback Zach, I definitely need to clean up the diet theres no question, but nothing has really changed from beginning of may until now. I try to drink a shit ton of water everyday but I'll try even harder. Cardio is what I've really been focusing alot lately should be good there. I use the stepmaster an hour at the gym I ride my bike on these awesome brand new paved roads, and I'm at home with my parents whom have a pool which I take advantage of as much as possible swimming laps treading water and of course getting my tan on
Haven't had bloods recently and my piece of shit doctor here in Canada always birches and moan

I'm using QSC now since beginning of May, 200mg/mL,and theres an abundance of testing available on this batch here on meso so I'm very confident in the product.

It was out of stock for a quite sometime and highly anticipated due to their amazing prices so when it hit the shelves many like myself stocked up.

If ya just search for like QSC Primo many individuals sent reports into Jano & are Showing it come in around 190mg/mL. G2G
Report of analyse of other people or sending by the lab or seller, even if you have the same batch are not a proof of what do you have in your vial.

Do you used Primo before that ? If yes do you get the same side effect ?

Because the side effect reported are very strange for a Primo.

Methenolone / Oxandrolone are a lot counterfeit.

Maybe a urin test to see if you have Methenolone in your body or test kit bought on internet (he's say if you have methenolone and the range of the dose) ;-)

I hope your get a solution soon and i hope your feel better.
Get E2 checked. 1:1 ratio can crash e2. I’m also high e2 on TRT of 125mg usually in upper 70’s or slightly higher. I keep primo at 2/3 of test and e2 is high end of normal range.
Get your e2 checked. It could very well be that your e2 is not as low As bro science would imply it ought to be. I’ve cut my test to below primo (350t, 500 primo ) and so far so good as far as side effects. Anything higher on test and I would need some kind of an ai. I needed one even at 100mg /w test.
I highly doubt your QSC Primo is fake,
Get your e2 checked. It could very well be that your e2 is not as low As bro science would imply it ought to be. I’ve cut my test to below primo (350t, 500 primo ) and so far so good as far as side effects. Anything higher on test and I would need some kind of an ai. I needed one even at 100mg /w test.
y777 is right, we all respond differently.
People aromatize at different rates due to various body habitus, diets, genetics etc.
However, if you are getting peripheral edema it could mean other things.
⇧RBC, ⇧HCT? God forbid but it could indicate a DVT.
I AM NOT A DOCTOR & don't want to alarm you but you really should, at least, get your bloodwork checked.
Maybe @Rido could give you some advice?