Promotion on AAS analysis in Lab4Tox

360 euro for all (quantity and quality)

Data of the Bank:
IBAN account number: PL 69 1160 2202 0000 0002 1004 5011
Bank name: Bank Millennium S.A.
Bank address: ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A, 02-593 Warszawa
Country: Poland

Please send samples to the address below (we recommend courier delivery):
WPT, Budynek Delta, piętro II, pok. 217
ul. Duńska 9, 54-427 Wrocław
tel: +48 792 045 333

and put in the packet a letter with your email address.

If you have more questions, feel free to ask me.
Here is our email:

Anna Żubrycka
Junior Research and Analysis Specialist
Laboratorium Badań Toksykologicznych Sp. z o.o.
What is courier mail?
I was thinking about putting a code in with my product that only we would know with my email for safe measure. To make sure you get and test my product, is that cool? A simple 6 number digit code.
We are using DHL services.
It's cool for us. You can put code if it would be more comfortable for you
Has anybody used these guys yet? How was it? I have never bank transfered anything. Seems odd.
Hello since the package would be sent to "lab4tox" in poland what should i say is in the package i usually say is some piece of a gaming console or controller or something when sending it else where for testing, in this case what could i say ??
Can you also Specify which is the street in that address you provide i can´t find the address on google maps
Never mind i found it Wroclaw is the city, thanks