Protocol & Injection Site for BPC-157 & TB500


About 18 months ago, my father was injured @ work. He fell off the back of his 18-wheeler while unloading and landed awkwardly on his wrists. He suffered tendon and ligament damage to both wrists. He's undergone surgery 3x- Shaving down bone to reattach tendons, cutting, scraping, etc...basically just real nasty painful shit.

Even after all the surgeries- the use of his wrists is extremely limited, to say the least...tightness, swelling & pain that involves even the most moderate twisting or lifting motions. I told him some months ago that peptide intervention could help revive some quality of life -as his wrist injuries really prevent him from doing a lot of things(namely getting into the gym). My father is in his early 60's, 5'8" weighing in at about 300lbs...>/=40% bodyfat...if I had to guess. His primary motive for gaining recovery in his wrists is so that he is functional and pain-free enough to start working out again. Losing weight is a huge goal of his...but with his wrists, there's very little he can do in the gym besides walking on a he's in a very tough spot.

He was hesitant about the peptides at first, but after more than a year of suffering, he gave me the green light. So I picked up a few kits of BPC and TB for pops, and I want to get him started right away.

There are 2 things I'm really having a hard time nailing down-

#1 is the dosage, especially for someone my fathers size. I've seen a wide range of protocols and it's making my head spin quite frankly.

#2 is injection site. As I mentioned earlier, I believe him to be >40% in his case, I have doubts about the efficacy of sub-q shots(Which is a nice way of saying that he's rather fat, and I'm afraid results will be too slow/poor because the compound won't get to where it needs to go). Feel free to tell me if that makes no sense at all, that's just my thinking, and I have absolutely no clue about what the fuck I'm talking about. Is there a decent IM site anywhere near the wrist/forearm that is widely known?-Because my research has turned up nothing.

*This is very important to while I do appreciate any feedback, I would (respectfully) prefer to hear only from those who have legitimate, first-hand, lengthy experience with these peptides(so as not to compound more bullshit information/confusion on my endo_O)*

Thanks fellas!
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I used both of these multiple times and finally was able to find a dosing protocol that was effective in healing my tricep tendonitis that was a problem for years

500mcg Bpc-157 2x daily injected as close to the injury as possible.

1mg tb500 daily sub q

I did this for I want to say 6-8 weeks and it worked great.

I tried the standard doses you see of like, 250 2x per day, or 300 1x per day etc. Never got relief doing that

Edit** one note my body composition is very different than his. I don't mean that rudely, but I would want to check with some of the other guys on here who may know the difference in protocol for 40% bf vs single digit
My personal experience with BPC, and TB has been great so far, I personally dose at 500mcg BPC, daily at night subq near injury site (in my case elbow and bicep tendonitis). TB500 I dose at 1mg three times a week for a total of 3mg, IM in delts. Good luck to you.
GHK-cu is another peptide worth looking into, OP, especially since people have ran ridiculous doses without any reported negative effects at all.

As far as injections go, I've spot injected into bizarre locations sub-q, and all I've ever done is look up the layout of nerves in that area, then pull the skin away from the site and create a "skin-tent", then insert the need parallel to the bone but far enough away that there's no way you hit anything crazy. Of course, aspirate every time, especially for your dad whom you'd hate to accidentally cause any pain.

What you're really trying to avoid here is the nerve. Medical practitioners hit bone all the time on accident, lol. It does nothing at all.

The bodyfat probably won't be a problem. The cool thing about GHK-cu is that you can feel it get to work the second you inject, because it tingles and buzzes right before the 14 hours of pain kicks in. If BPC and TB are anything like the copper, they don't interact with the bodyfat and that's one of the reasons the localized effect is so pronounced.

If you end up having him use GHK-cu, warn him, it's going to hurt.
BPC - 500 Mcg twice daily (can do once if he is a baby about pinning)
Tb500- 2 mg 3x weekly (mon wed fri)

I would try pinning them both subQ in some of his forearm fat. Just because he’s higher bodyfat doesn’t mean it won’t get absorbed.

If he gets any mental side effects they can be negated with L-tryptophan (sold in any store)
OP, have you looked up the nerve layout in the wrist? It's... completely rife with nerves travelling to the fingers. You are definitely going to need to use the "skin tent" method, even then, be extremely careful.

I'm extremely ballsy when it comes to injections, and I'd be very nervous injecting at the wrist.

You might just have him ingest the peptides orally to be safe.
OP, have you looked up the nerve layout in the wrist? It's... completely rife with nerves travelling to the fingers. You are definitely going to need to use the "skin tent" method, even then, be extremely careful.

I'm extremely ballsy when it comes to injections, and I'd be very nervous injecting at the wrist.

You might just have him ingest the peptides orally to be safe.

I have, it's a fucking nightmare.

He has a decent amount of fat tissue on his forearms aswell as upper arms. So we may do sub-q there...atleast it will be closer to site of injury than injecting stomach/glutes.

Thought about orals aswell, but he has had bypass surgery before so I know he has absorption issues. It would probably be more efficacious to just pin.
I have, it's a fucking nightmare.

He has a decent amount of fat tissue on his forearms aswell as upper arms. So we may do sub-q there...atleast it will be closer to site of injury than injecting stomach/glutes.

Thought about orals aswell, but he has had bypass surgery before so I know he has absorption issues. It would probably be more efficacious to just pin.
I'm trying to figure out a way to do IM injections in the forearm muscles near the elbow, and I'm petrified. I just don't think I can do it without another person helping me, but my new chick is insanely straight edge, so I don't want to reveal my lifestyle to her just yet.

The lower arms, all the way to the fingertips, comprise a tangle of nerves that I just don't want to fuck with.
I'm trying to figure out a way to do IM injections in the forearm muscles near the elbow, and I'm petrified. I just don't think I can do it without another person helping me, but my new chick is insanely straight edge, so I don't want to reveal my lifestyle to her just yet.

The lower arms, all the way to the fingertips, comprise a tangle of nerves that I just don't want to fuck with.
Why not just pin the lateral head of the tricep? I know lots of guys who do with a .5in pin. That's gotta be close enough to the elbow.
I'm trying to figure out a way to do IM injections in the forearm muscles near the elbow, and I'm petrified. I just don't think I can do it without another person helping me, but my new chick is insanely straight edge, so I don't want to reveal my lifestyle to her just yet.

The lower arms, all the way to the fingertips, comprise a tangle of nerves that I just don't want to fuck with.
BPC is systemic, you don’t need to inject at or even near the site of the injury.
TB did as claimed for me. Prolonged injury, like your father, that wasn’t healing. Tore a tendon on the backside of my shoulder in 2 locations. I was around 11 months from date of injury when I decided to try TB solo.

The take away that I would pass on is length of time used. TB is not as fast acting as BPC. It needs time to do its thing. I didn’t notice anything until 4 weeks in. Ran it for 3 months in total. Similar dosing as others have mentioned. Personally @ 225lbs + I did 5mg/week for the first month as a load and then maintenance at 2.5mg/week. Maybe at 300 + he could up the dose a bit.

Injection site location with TB won’t matter. I was pinning lower body the whole time for a shoulder injury. Mixed reviews about location with BPC.

I really do think TB-500 is the shit. I’m around 3 months since stopping it and the shoulder has held up very well. Good luck man.
Why not just pin the lateral head of the tricep? I know lots of guys who do with a .5in pin. That's gotta be close enough to the elbow.

I'm injecting GHK-cu, and it's so extremely localized, it really doesn't spread out or travel far to impact other areas all that much. You can tell, because it tingles and burns like crazy.

BPC is systemic, you don’t need to inject at or even near the site of the injury.

It does work systemically, but it also has a pronounced localized effect. With BPC, it'll take at least 2 weeks for it to have an effect on wound healing if you don't use it locally. I'm not using BPC though, I'm using GHK-cu.
TB did as claimed for me. Prolonged injury, like your father, that wasn’t healing. Tore a tendon on the backside of my shoulder in 2 locations. I was around 11 months from date of injury when I decided to try TB solo.

The take away that I would pass on is length of time used. TB is not as fast acting as BPC. It needs time to do its thing. I didn’t notice anything until 4 weeks in. Ran it for 3 months in total. Similar dosing as others have mentioned. Personally @ 225lbs + I did 5mg/week for the first month as a load and then maintenance at 2.5mg/week. Maybe at 300 + he could up the dose a bit.

Injection site location with TB won’t matter. I was pinning lower body the whole time for a shoulder injury. Mixed reviews about location with BPC.

I really do think TB-500 is the shit. I’m around 3 months since stopping it and the shoulder has held up very well. Good luck man.

Thanks for the reply.

I think we're gonna start off at 1mg/1mg BPC/TB every day for the first 30 days, followed by 500mcg/500mcg every day for the following 30 days. Hopefully he see's improvement after this 60 day period and we'll reassess dosage at that point
I’ve had good success with BPC 157 / TB 500 blended.

Protocol using (4) 5mg vials (I usually source from SAF on 4 for 1 specials

Reconstitute with 3 ml BAC water (it’s all they hold)

Finish first vial 0.5 ml ED (833 mcg)

Remaining 3 vials i pull 0.3 ml ED (500 mcg)

I run this protocol 2x now and it has helped heal two nasty tricep injuries.
Where did you source from?
What was your dosage?
How long did you use it for?
QSC. I used it for a couple of months at a standard dose of around 500 mcg. To be fair, I am not sure if it was the proper compound to treat my shoulder injury. Basically, I was dealing with some notable muscle weakness in my right pain or discomfort.. but lost most of my strength.. it gradually resolved itself over the course of a few months.. BPC could've helped of course.. but there were no immediate improvements that I noticed from it.
About 18 months ago, my father was injured @ work. He fell off the back of his 18-wheeler while unloading and landed awkwardly on his wrists. He suffered tendon and ligament damage to both wrists. He's undergone surgery 3x- Shaving down bone to reattach tendons, cutting, scraping, etc...basically just real nasty painful shit.

Even after all the surgeries- the use of his wrists is extremely limited, to say the least...tightness, swelling & pain that involves even the most moderate twisting or lifting motions. I told him some months ago that peptide intervention could help revive some quality of life -as his wrist injuries really prevent him from doing a lot of things(namely getting into the gym). My father is in his early 60's, 5'8" weighing in at about 300lbs...>/=40% bodyfat...if I had to guess. His primary motive for gaining recovery in his wrists is so that he is functional and pain-free enough to start working out again. Losing weight is a huge goal of his...but with his wrists, there's very little he can do in the gym besides walking on a he's in a very tough spot.

He was hesitant about the peptides at first, but after more than a year of suffering, he gave me the green light. So I picked up a few kits of BPC and TB for pops, and I want to get him started right away.

There are 2 things I'm really having a hard time nailing down-

#1 is the dosage, especially for someone my fathers size. I've seen a wide range of protocols and it's making my head spin quite frankly.

#2 is injection site. As I mentioned earlier, I believe him to be >40% in his case, I have doubts about the efficacy of sub-q shots(Which is a nice way of saying that he's rather fat, and I'm afraid results will be too slow/poor because the compound won't get to where it needs to go). Feel free to tell me if that makes no sense at all, that's just my thinking, and I have absolutely no clue about what the fuck I'm talking about. Is there a decent IM site anywhere near the wrist/forearm that is widely known?-Because my research has turned up nothing.

*This is very important to while I do appreciate any feedback, I would (respectfully) prefer to hear only from those who have legitimate, first-hand, lengthy experience with these peptides(so as not to compound more bullshit information/confusion on my endo_O)*

Thanks fellas!
I love these 2 compounds. I run 5 mg of TB500/week via 2 injections every 3-4 days. I take it for my heart health, to counter left ventricular hypertrophy from AAS use for 20 years (plus, studies have shown there is over a 70% increased chance of surviving a cardiac episode while running TB500). I also use it regularly year round to heal all contractile tissue quicker from training stress.

I use BPC157 intermittently to heal my training induced injuries (joint strains, tares, damage, etc.). It is the more noticeably beneficial peptide by far. It generally kills the pain from an injury within 2-3 days of usage. It also expedites healing significantly.

I work as a coach, and have had over 100 men & women BPC157 over the last 2 years that I've had access to a legitimate source, and have never heard anything other than positive reviews. I've seen BPC expedite the healing of broken bones, ruptured vertebrae, torn tendons & ligaments, damaged neurons of the brain, burnt skin, amputations, plus a number of different gastro-intestinal issues like IBS, Chrone's and stomach ulcers.

I literally use it daily for my GI and training damage (I inject it directly into my knee caps after most leg days, to maintain my knee health). It has healed 2 separate bicep tears for me in a matter of 2-3 weeks vs. 7+ weeks traditionally.