Purchasing Hcg


Well-known Member
Hey meso brothers.

I'm in a situation and need a little bit of help. I purchased some hcg from my source and found out it doesn't come with the bac. water. I've looked on a few pharmaceutical sites where I get my AI'S and serms from, but the site doesn't sell the water or even hcg (or at least I didn't find it). Where did you guys get you hcg from. If I'm in the wrong thread, I apologize.

I need enough to run from week 2-12 of my cycle

So you need bac water? Make your own or buy it from a medical supply company.

Yes sir...I need bac water. Didn't know you could make it. I will search that.
I've looked on allchem.com and reliablerx and wasn't able to find it.

Yes sir...I need bac water. Didn't know you could make it. I will search that.
I've looked on allchem.com and reliablerx and wasn't able to find it.


westendmedicalsuppliesDOTcom for bac water.. $36.99 for 5-30ml jugs, should last you years..

Like @mands said it's easy to make as well, I'd probably fuck it up though.. :)
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I get my bac water from the hospital pharmacy, the chain / retail pharmacies don't carry it from what I've seen, they only have vials of sterile water but the hospital pharmacies seem to all carry bac water. It was 5 dollars plus tax for a 30ml bottle, hospira brand.