Pure-Rawz legit?

I have only made a single order from them to date, but the compound was on point as was their shipping and packaging. They are pretty steep on prices though.
Generally see mixed reviews, but the URL is .co not .com

Is there a particular item you are looking for there? Are you in the US?
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I’ve used them 8 years ago they were good at that time. Shipping was not the best. I only used them back then because I only used peptides and sarms.
The official site is purerawz. co

^ Yes.

The other URL sounds like a fake or imitation site? Please be cautious.

Google search like "site:reddit.com purerawz fake site" will give a fair example of the mixed reviews even for the official site.

It is a site that comes up regularly as an option for SARMs or Nootropics, but personally have always avoided. Due to reviews & feedback from years ago and leading up to now still, where people felt scammed by product quality or long shipping times, poor communication with customer service, etc.