Q: PCT after very short cycle Sust


New Member
Hey fellas. My second cycle was planned to be 12 weeks of sust, but a long story short, I had to move away from Turkey, and thus my cycle only lasted 5 weeks.

Now I'm on my 3rd day of PCT - clomid and nolva, but have a question.

My balls came back approx. 2 weeks after last sust pin, and 1 week before I started PCT. Also my libido has been good all along. And I don't have the emotional side effect from clomid which I had under my first PCT. I was a bit moody between end of cycle and PCT, probably before I got my balls back.

Should I complete a 3 weeks PCT anyways? I have high natty test, so I was thinking if my body just bounced back by itself after a short cycle? I'm in Thailand now, and want to cycle again, and will get blood tests after PCT no matter what.

Thanks guys
So you waited 3 weeks to start PCT, if I'm reading that correctly. How much were you running and what was your protocol?
That's true, every where I've checked said to wait 3 weeks because of the long ester in Sust. I was running 750 mg split into monday, wednesday and friday. And I ran novla all the way through.
Bumping this one. Still on PCT, and my libido is still very goooood. Get a boner just from kissing my GF. If I go to the doctor to get a blood test, and my test is back to its natural level, should I just abandon the PCT?
Yeah shame, but can do another proper cycle soon.

If the test is back normal should I just quit the PCT?
If you get a blood test while taking a SERM your TT levels are going to be inacurrate. If your deadset on discontinuing PCT, wait 3 to 4 weeks and then test.