Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

When I tried this I would do things in my sleep. I would cook and clean. I would order things online. I would text complete gibberish to everyone in my phone. I would go outside for no reason. I finally had to stop taking it because I had no control at night. Weirdest and most embarrassing going through the texts I sent each day.
I was on Stilnox for years, used to have sex asleep all the time and never remember a thing when I woke up... Was very lucky I had a understanding (and horny) partner at the time! Lots of stories about people doing stuff they don't remember on Stilnox, worst I recall reading was some guy was renovating his house, walked off the 2nd story balcony as the handrail was removed and impaled himself of rebar and that woke him up.
Probably, you don't know a lot of nerds that suffer from ADHD and type extraordinarily fast. I'd wager that is more likely than him being a tweaker.

The dude is clearly intelligent, detail oriented and posts interesting content, but is in love with his reasoning and seems to lack a degree of empathy that would enable him to form compelling and well-founded arguments.

So, endotoxins are a potential risk, but not an actual risk. Start from there, what specific endotoxins should we be concerned about? How do we test that they are present? At what levels should we be concerned? Once this is all established and we have a better understanding of the risk, how to we mitigate that risk? From there we can do a cost/benefit analysis.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

The argument that pharmaceutical companies have processes for dealing with these things is somewhat specious. The risk may be extraordinarily small, but if a manufacturing line is being established and the cost is reasonable, it may be an effective means to minimize liability.

If you're homebrewing product and there's a 1 in a million chance that you fatally expose yourself to an endotoxin, that's not really a big deal. If you're a pharma manufacturer shipping product to millions, a couple of dead customers is a really big deal.
Qsc has probably sold more testosterone than any FDA approved pharmaceutical company this year. Has one person been sickened or died? No. Not one. Any infections? Also none.

Copy and pasting articles doesn't make you intelligent. Clearly he's not that bright, 7 years on glps and still requires them because he learns nothing. No new healthy way of living, no coping mechanisms, he doesn't even workout per his own posts. He's still obese and abuses stimulants. Tell me how this is someone who oozes intelligence in your eyes?

Abusing stimulants gives you time to do shit, shocker. He doesn't take his microwave apart, so he rereads pharmaceutical leaflets and copy and pastes articles. Spouting paranoid ramblings about none issues.

Using his narcissism to interject himself in everything he considers himself an expert on, Even shit he's never once done in his life like home brewing.

The irony of this entire thing is he's preaching about health and harm reduction daily, but has yet to test ONE product that he buys almost exclusively from China. The one county known to put lead in kids toys and shit.
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Keep in mind with pot, whatever initial improvement in sleep you might get, it fades with continued use, and when you try to stop after a while, sleep often gets *worse* until the withdrawal period ends. Some people end up stuck, because the insomnia is so bad without it, they can't make it through the 1-4 weeks it takes for sleep to return to baseline.
Oh yea bro..
Mirtazapine really helps guys 1000 times better than zolpidem etc
Sleep is a huge problem for me, and has been for 35 years. I started Epitalon at 100mcg for a couple weeks, then 250mcg, then 500mcg, then 1mg and still didn’t get much in the way of improvement in my sleep, but at 2mg, my sleep definitely improved

Hey Q, sorry you will get a few notifications all in one go; hope it won't bother you.
Trying to catch up, a little, but I found loads of them, after a few days of not having a look.
Are you back home, finally? Hope so.

Thanks for this.
I have not heard about it before and it sounds interesting.
Been on the insomnia boat for a long time.
Have a good Sunday :)