Liter O' Test
this is isn't unique to them specifically. Not screwing anyone over just because you can is what made the west so great. Other countries get bogged down ripping eachother off and being petty.. Even the idea of having consumer rights doesnt exist in most parts of the world, because what purpose would that serve the politicians/business owners?The attitude is what I have a problem with. He/she or whatever flat out said Be happy I take my time here for you little people and be glad you got something that isn't total garbage. Then after getting shit on meh new year and only 100g. Which might not be a lot to them might be what they just sweep off the floor and bag up.
Instead of looking at it like a decent salesman and checking on the order and admitting that yeah that's a pretty shitty test and is 8% lower than advertised, let me try to make it right. Nah double down on stupid and start the name calling, excuses, and remind us how lucky we are to have them as an option since we don't matter nor does the testing we do.
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