QSC low purity test decanoate raws

I've seen different testing purity raws of different products ranging from 90% to 99% and sometimes even lower, from all suppliers including us on some batchs, for all kind of products, including test c, deca, eq, test base, primo, tren a, sildenafil, tadalfil, and plenty of others, and I posted some myself on many occasions.

If you think you're gonna receive always a +98% purity raws even on the most basic common products, or there is some kind of standards/stability/parameter control when it comes to steroid raws, you must be an an inexperimented brewer and a dumbest newbie meso member who haven't done enough reading to see the different testing of raws posted everywhere.

All raws almost used to come from the same places and the same purities you will get them with same frequencies from all kind of suppliers.

The fact that you're bitching about the address and accusing me of stealing because your delivery was unsuccessful, even that the tracking number shows clearly "insufficient address" and my policy has been very clear about the matter, proves the low IQ you have. I'll make sure to send you the shipping label monday, showing you your address exacly how you sent it to us, and you can go fuck yourself after that.
Not one single human would be "happy" with 90% purity raws, so him bitching is 100% acceptable. I'm glad he actually sent a test out, so should most people addressing this. I myself would be somewhat content but not happy.
Curious what the bar is when it comes down to "acceptable".. When would you go from "you should stop bitching" to "sorry ill send you a full refund".. 85%? 80% ?? Where is the line drawn for you to where he CAN bitch exactly.
Thanks for the post Deadbeef
When you see for example this example:

the same batch can test 92%, 98%+ and 95%. You should take a break and give it some thinking.

When you see the different testing results, using the same samples, sent to jano and analiza, you will understand, that in the raws industry, there is no specific references or standards.

The fact that you expect test D to be +98% while you have seen 3 tests of test D in your life, is likes expecting the HGH to be +99% because you're used to tirz being +99%, the reality is far from this.
Yeah what you say is true IF this will be the only test that comes in at 90% if results from the other raws start coming back at 90% than your average goes to shit.
I'm not here to bash you , you've been good to me so far even oils that I rarely get from you were fine no floaters or other shit but if these last raws are this impure it's kind of no bueno...
We are not discussing what should be accepted or not, the fact that you accept a certain purity or not won't change the reality that these raw materials will test the differently everywhere and there is nothing you will be able to control.

Talking about "attainable" is not right. Because it's not a manufactered finished products, you are dealing with trading compagnies, reselling these raws. They have no access to production parameters.

+98% is attainable on deca, EQ and Anadrol.
It doesn't make it a standard nor something you can work on.
You can keep getting samples each time a new batch from the factory is produced and send it for testing and hoping that it ends up 98%, you might end up supplying your customers once a year.

In the meantime there is a market to supply who needs deca and EQ to make the oils every month.

The average floating around isn't calculated based on the 3-4 tests posted on meso, it's not representative of reality.

the reality is that the factory who can supply test D will produce a large batch, and supply hundreds of trading compagnies, who will supply hundreds/thousands each of end buyers, and 2-3 of them might test it for purity.
If they are lucky enough, they end up in the same forum, willing to post their results in public, and get a match.
Well 98% 96% should be the standard again, those factories can do it, they just need some reason of why they should care.

Come on man it's the same for HGH, you proved that one can manufacture HGH with no dimer or close to none at 96% purity and even consistently overdosed.

I know the big players don't give a fuck about RAWS purity in the high 90% because they just want the raw to keep making money.

As a normal user that cares about quality and what I'm fucking injecting I do care tho. So why not source and make a premium line of RAWS for small users like me and many others that would definitely have no issue in paying more for 98% RAWS?

You just test the sample from the factory if it's below you keep searching. You can still buy those big lower purity batches and sell them normally to everyone that don't care.

Just food for thoughts.
Not one single human would be "happy" with 90% purity raws, so him bitching is 100% acceptable. I'm glad he actually sent a test out, so should most people addressing this. I myself would be somewhat content but not happy.
Curious what the bar is when it comes down to "acceptable".. When would you go from "you should stop bitching" to "sorry ill send you a full refund".. 85%? 80% ?? Where is the line drawn for you to where he CAN bitch exactly.
Thanks for the post Deadbeef
Happiness about it or not is subjective.

Now we are discussing a more important subject, which is, is there a way to set a standard?

For the peptides, for a tirzepatide testing always +99%. You won't be happy if it tests 98%. Even that it can be frequent, less common than 99%.

For the HGH, that's a 96%, so you won't be happy if it's 94%, even that what's more frequent from the tested ones is 96%+.

Does it change the fact that our HGH tested in the past 3 years, some tested posted myself: 92%, 93%, 95%, 96%, 97% and 99%+

What are you going to do about it? the community still cannot set a standard for it.

For finished products, it's more easier.
Some will be unhappy if it's 10% underdoses, some can accept 15%. Some will only accept the 5%.
And some will be unhappy if it's underfilled even if it's 1% underdosed for quantity.

I don't think you will ever be able to set a standard for the raw powders unless a seller wants to take some suicidal risk and limit his price list to the few items who have a high chances to test above 96%.

When I wanted to test my whole price list, some raws testing was from 65% to +99%
I can list the arimidex, dapoxetine, avanafil, tren base, minoxidil, udca...
Some tests that costs $380 and you might see them once a in your life, so no available data, and you might decide one day to test them, set your happiness bar somewhere.
Not really, you guys just lack of testing, that's the facts you can't deny.

I've seen ton of testing in my life, more than any of you. And I can tell you that I've seen raw purities, ranging on occasional basis to much lower.

I know in 96% of cases, these raws will test 96%+
But that 4% will always exist, an experienced source and brewer mainly public labs, who performed a lot of testing can tell you the surprising results they get in their life.
On average yes, my raws are way over 96%+
That's a single 90% among tons of +98%.
But when you see the few examples I posted in the past comment of test e, test c, and others testing 89%, 92%, 93%, you need to understand that these exist, the fact that you don't test enough and you only see the few tests posted here, mainly from us which are +98% doesn't make it a standard.
So how many kilos are in this batch? 100 or 1000? I'd say it's fair to tell the forum how large a batch is.
Happiness about it or not is subjective.

Now we are discussing a more important subject, which is, is there a way to set a standard?

For the peptides, for a tirzepatide testing always +99%. You won't be happy if it tests 98%. Even that it can be frequent, less common than 99%.

For the HGH, that's a 96%, so you won't be happy if it's 94%, even that what's more frequent from the tested ones is 96%+.

Does it change the fact that our HGH tested in the past 3 years, some tested posted myself: 92%, 93%, 95%, 96%, 97% and 99%+

What are you going to do about it? the community still cannot set a standard for it.

For finished products, it's more easier.
Some will be unhappy if it's 10% underdoses, some can accept 15%. Some will only accept the 5%.
And some will be unhappy if it's underfilled even if it's 1% underdosed for quantity.

I don't think you will ever be able to set a standard for the raw powders unless a seller wants to take some suicidal risk and limit his price list to the few items who have a high chances to test above 96%.

When I wanted to test my whole price list, some raws testing was from 65% to +99%
I can list the arimidex, dapoxetine, avanafil, tren base, minoxidil, udca...
Some tests that costs $380 and you might see them once a in your life, so no available data, and you might decide one day to test them, set your happiness bar somewhere.
You can absolutely set a "happiness bar" on your raws..
Like you said you did tons of testing on raws you should know what's not acceptable and out of the ordinary, it comes down to simple statistics.
Running a company means you set standards. Like i asked what's your standard for raws ? 85%? 90%+ ? or is it always gonna be a "stop bitching" and be happy what you get.
Well 98% 96% should be the standard again, those factories can do it, they just need some reason of why they should care.
They can do it, but they won't, because they don't control it.
If a batch ends up 90%, it will be sold to the market.
If you (the chinese trading company) isn't happy about it:
- first thing: you can't return it.
- second thing: you can't get it refunded.
- you can make the decision to not sell it, take an unecessary loss, to satisfy a small minority that might test that product once in 3 years. For sure, that's your choice, call yourself premium, get few likes, and go bankrupt with a 50-100 kg worth $15,000 sitting in your warehouse. Because same scenario will happen with different random products/batchs, many times a year.

Come on man it's the same for HGH, you proved that one can manufacture HGH with no dimer or close to none at 96% purity and even consistently overdosed.

The 2021 standard for HGH was 99%.
Jano changed his testing method.
My first posted HGH test was 93%.
The first 3rd party test was 96%.

I also posted 99%. And 92% was also posted by a 3rd party.

I remember the first time I posted it 93% most of guys here were happy about it. It was during a period when even norditropin tested 90%.

No dimer was the 2022-2023 standard. When I say no dimer, it means absolute zero.
Jano improved the dimer testing, now almost everyone have something of it, every source.
This cannot be controlled.

Overdosing is a controlled parameter, purity isn't.

As a normal user that cares about quality and what I'm fucking injecting I do care tho. So why not source and make a premium line of RAWS for small users like me and many others that would definitely have no issue in paying more for 98% RAWS?

You might say you will pay extra for better purity, but the reality is that you are paying for false guarantees, or simply for a 2nd party testing.

How much more, an extra $20/kg?

How many kilos you buy a year?

The raw community won't be able to set the standard for many reasons:

- everything comes from same places. So it's the same quality +/- , only depends on when the test is performed.
- small demand compared to the finished products.
- anyone promising you this, will be fooling you with a desesperate marketing strategy, and will end up giving up on his standards, as soon as the results start to pop up, but given the low frequency of 3rd party testing results, his model might stand for few weeks/months.
They can do it, but they won't, because they don't control it.
If a batch ends up 90%, it will be sold to the market.
If you (the chinese trading company) isn't happy about it:
- first thing: you can't return it.
- second thing: you can't get it refunded.
- you can make the decision to not sell it, take an unecessary loss, to satisfy a small minority that might test that product once in 3 years. For sure, that's your choice, call yourself premium, get few likes, and go bankrupt with a 50-100 kg worth $15,000 sitting in your warehouse. Because same scenario will happen with different random products/batchs, many times a year.

The 2021 standard for HGH was 99%.
Jano changed his testing method.
My first posted HGH test was 93%.
The first 3rd party test was 96%.

I also posted 99%. And 92% was also posted by a 3rd party.

I remember the first time I posted it 93% most of guys here were happy about it. It was during a period when even norditropin tested 90%.

No dimer was the 2022-2023 standard. When I say no dimer, it means absolute zero.
Jano improved the dimer testing, now almost everyone have something of it, every source.
This cannot be controlled.

Overdosing is a controlled parameter, purity isn't.

You might say you will pay extra for better purity, but the reality is that you are paying for false guarantees, or simply for a 2nd party testing.

How much more, an extra $20/kg?

How many kilos you buy a year?

The raw community won't be able to set the standard for many reasons:

- everything comes from same places. So it's the same quality +/- , only depends on when the test is performed.
- small demand compared to the finished products.
- anyone promising you this, will be fooling you with a desesperate marketing strategy, and will end up giving up on his standards, as soon as the results start to pop up, but given the low frequency of 3rd party testing results, his model might stand for few weeks/months.
Ok what the fuck are u talking about the raw buyers can't influence the market... We are not the only raw buyers , you are too. You make your own oils don't you? With the same raws i would suspect...

For final product it might not matter that the raw is 90% you just make up for it by adding more thats not a problem the problem is the missing 10% what the fuck is it? Is it heavy metals, other raws...dirt... If someone does a detailed test on the finished oils they will see the difference between the bad raws and the 98% ones ,but nobody will do that test so you are in the clear.........
You can absolutely set a "happiness bar" on your raws..
Like you said you did tons of testing on raws you should know what's not acceptable and out of the ordinary, it comes down to simple statistics.
Running a company means you set standards. Like i asked what's your standard for raws ? 85%? 90%+ ? or is it always gonna be a "stop bitching" and be happy what you get.
You might need to invest millions $ in testing to get a standard.

Just my steroid list, I have over 30 item.

You might need to test each 5-10 times to get an idea about different batchs.

Customers might help you with few ones on the most demanded, like test C, test E, test P, during 3 years here, each were tested about 10 times in public.
Okay , let's give them a 96%+.

EQ 90% ? because it's more frequent.
I got the sticky one, it tested 96%+, it doesn't hold on higher than 200mg/ml, who will prefer to buy a 96%+ purity useless EQ?
Wait, It got tested once too, and ended up 90%, different batch.
Well better not take the risk, as business man I will prefer to sell the liquid one of 92% purity, set the standard at 90% and get money of it.

Deca, well most of times I saw tests, they were either 93% or +96%. We choose the middle?

Anadrol, should I force the buyers to send it with silica in mylar bags, or lower the standard.

Base products according to jano degrade very fast, so what's the verdict for test Base? +96% or 90%?
tren base 60% or 70% ? Because I haven't seen higher.

Epistane? 88% have you ever seen another one?

Bold C 96%+ or 50%, because I've seen both, from many suppliers.

trestolone enanthate ? 85% ? or 90%

at some point, it's gonna become a childish game when you have to adjust your standards continuously each time a new test pop up, no thank you, you don't pay enough for this, it's not tirzepatide.
Maybe you didn't like my comment about accept it and stop bitching about it, I can do better.

QSC sincerely accepts your unhapiness, supports you in your difficult ordeal of grief, and supports any action of bitching about it, and respects your feelings, but unfortunately your feelings have no impact on the purity, nor the resolution.
They can do it, but they won't, because they don't control it.
If a batch ends up 90%, it will be sold to the market.
If you (the chinese trading company) isn't happy about it:
- first thing: you can't return it.
- second thing: you can't get it refunded.
- you can make the decision to not sell it, take an unecessary loss, to satisfy a small minority that might test that product once in 3 years. For sure, that's your choice, call yourself premium, get few likes, and go bankrupt with a 50-100 kg worth $15,000 sitting in your warehouse. Because same scenario will happen with different random products/batchs, many times a year.

The 2021 standard for HGH was 99%.
Jano changed his testing method.
My first posted HGH test was 93%.
The first 3rd party test was 96%.

I also posted 99%. And 92% was also posted by a 3rd party.

I remember the first time I posted it 93% most of guys here were happy about it. It was during a period when even norditropin tested 90%.

No dimer was the 2022-2023 standard. When I say no dimer, it means absolute zero.
Jano improved the dimer testing, now almost everyone have something of it, every source.
This cannot be controlled.

Overdosing is a controlled parameter, purity isn't.

You might say you will pay extra for better purity, but the reality is that you are paying for false guarantees, or simply for a 2nd party testing.

How much more, an extra $20/kg?

How many kilos you buy a year?

The raw community won't be able to set the standard for many reasons:

- everything comes from same places. So it's the same quality +/- , only depends on when the test is performed.
- small demand compared to the finished products.
- anyone promising you this, will be fooling you with a desesperate marketing strategy, and will end up giving up on his standards, as soon as the results start to pop up, but given the low frequency of 3rd party testing results, his model might stand for few weeks/months.
Hold on a Second are you telling me that you buy blind from those manufacturer? You can't ask for a third party test or a proper purity test before buying?

You don't have to sit on those RAWS that are less pure, you just sell them as usual and when you get RAWS that tests 98% + you offer them to those ppl that are interested in it as a premium. 20$ kg for a 98+% raw seems a bit low. I would pay a lot more than just 20$/kg lol if one vendor could give me lab.test assurance that all the RAWS I'm.buying are 98+%

Doesn't seems too bad or too risky to me, money wise.
Maybe you didn't like my comment about accept it and stop bitching about it, I can do better.

QSC sincerely accepts your unhapiness, supports you in your difficult ordeal of grief, and supports any action of bitching about it, and respects your feelings, but unfortunately your feelings have no impact on the purity, nor the resolution.
Looks like someone doesn't like the taste of the shit sandwich they are eating! You could have handled this a lot better....
Hold on a Second are you telling me that you buy blind from those manufacturer? You can't ask for a third party test or a proper purity test before buying?

You don't have to sit on those RAWS that are less pure, you just sell them as usual and when you get RAWS that tests 98% + you offer them to those ppl that are interested in it as a premium. 20$ kg for a 98+% raw seems a bit low. I would pay a lot more than just 20$/kg lol if one vendor could give me lab.test assurance that all the RAWS I'm.buying are 98+%

Doesn't seems too bad or too risky to me, money wise.

The manufacters, you deal with a very limited number FYI. You will only have 2-4 per year for classic steroids, 1-2 of them will get busted every year, and you move to the only option left, until you get another option.

It's the same who will supply every other chinese here.

The same one who provides you with that test D, is the one who supplied you the whole time with the +98% primo, test e, test c , mast e ect...
And his past test D batch was +96%.

Another one will supply you some specific items like trestolone enanthate, methyltrienone ...etc..

Others for AI, tada etc..

You will test them in the beginning, then estimate the quality based on those results and trust blindly the quality for a while, and your buyers will keep a continuous weekly flow of the 3rd party tests, because you supply many domestic labs.

You can ask for HPLC / mass tests, that I learned to never trust again, because they don't match the janoshik results when shit happens and it's always +99% when it's sent to you.

the products don't move with the same speed, you might be able to sell 400kg test C in a month, and you might take a year to sell 2 kg of test isocaproate.