QSC NYE Promo Test-C bloodwork 500mg/week

Nice T score but you have to manage your estradiol asap. There's a difference between high and unnecessarily and probably dangerously high.
Whoa, e2 at 200! Get that fixed buddy. Is this your first time using 500mg's?
Yeah first time running 500mg/week. Only have a little bit of acne on my chest so was a little hesitant to start an AI before I saw my actual lab numbers. Started Aromasin 12.5mg E3D this week to get it under control.
Pinning every 3rd day you're probably running closer to 600 mg/week as some weeks you pin 3x. But that's some great T levels. I'm on .75 evey 3rd day of TnT 400 [250 test 150 tren] 40 mg Tbol and only sit at 1410 ng/dl but I also ran lots of gear. I would be getting those E levels in check quick.
You probably need more, that dosage would be sufficient to prevent rising from your normal levels but now you need to suppress it enough. I'd take at least a week of 12,5 x ed to get it a bit down, although you may still need more than that and then continue 12,5 e3d as you already planned.
Yeah first time running 500mg/week. Only have a little bit of acne on my chest so was a little hesitant to start an AI before I saw my actual lab numbers. Started Aromasin 12.5mg E3D this week to get it under control.

As @Eddie. noted, 12.5mg eod will not bring your e2 anywhere near where you want it to be. That would bring you maybe from 80 - 100 down to 40 - 50.
Appreciate all the constructive feedback, first cycle so still nailing some stuff down. Will redraw my estrogen next week to see where I’m at.
Updated bloods after adding Aromasin 12.5mg 2x weekly. Ance has cleared up, no gyno symptoms. Started ED pinning last Monday so hoping that will help a little more too. Probably going to up the AI just a bit to get it lower and then continue on with E3.5D admin. Appreciated everyone’s advice.


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Nice! Now watch out not to crash it, ideally you still want e2 a bit over the range since your total and free test are way out of the range. I believe around 60 would be great, no need to go way lower than that. You still get the benefits of a normal e2 while not getting the sides.
I agree here.. i
Nice! Now watch out not to crash it, ideally you still want e2 a bit over the range since your total and free test are way out of the range. I believe around 60 would be great, no need to go way lower than that. You still get the benefits of a normal e2 while not getting the sides.
Feel best on a blast/cycle when my e2 is 80-120.. 90 is the best for me personally. If I get near 60 or lower I start feeling low energy, almost depressed, and my libido takes a hit.
Honestly everyone is different. I have some buddies thst feel best with it lower.. some that like it higher then me..
I've done experiments on both ends.. I've gone low for 4 weeks and I've gone high for 4 weeks. I tolerate higher better then the lower end. But high makes me to watery and oily skin.. I don't mind being more emotional because sometimes the gear dulls my emotions I feel like.
Idk.. feel like I just wrote a bunch of this for no reason jahaha