QSC raw Bolde U 87% purity - GCMS

Am i reading this wrong ordoes the test say 94% purity? where are you getting that 87% figure from?

94% for bold u is pretty good from the test results ive seen out here recently.
You are reading it wrong, read janoshik and readalot answer as well. HPLC it's 87%

You can't use GCMS for purity
We're doing thousands of tests monthly and I too am only human.
Can't add a personal touch to everything, unfortunately.

This one was pretty straightforward too and has been explained on Meso on Bold U example before I believe so I hoped it'd not be necessary in order to save up a little bit of my time.

Anyway, it is a reasonable request, so what we're seeing is unbound undecylenate ester (methyl and ethyl ester of it).

So you have bold u, the unbound "u" part is floating free and during our processing or somewhere, the unbound ester, which is not ester anymore as it's not bound to boldenone, gained itself an ester (methyl or ethyl ester). This makes it very volatile, so even a small amount of methyl or ethyl ester can be very well seen on GCMS.

Then you have the "u" - undecylenic acid, which gained no ester. Undecylenic acid by itself is not very volatile, so even though you're seeing 0.95% of undecylenic acid and 0.94% undecylenic acid methyl ester, it is quite likely, they are not present at the same amounts, but rather that pure undecylenic acid is MUCH more abundant.

Then you have some unbound boldenone present - no ester and then ultimate boldenone undecylenate itself.

As undecylenic acid itself is not too volatile and is underrepresented, the TIC (peak area %) are not representative of real purity.
Great explanation, thank you!