QSC test C

The other issue with a vent is that as the vial cools, negative pressure develops sucking in moisture heavy non-sterile air.

Obviously a little pressure builds up in the vial, but it's very low, and precisely what the collars are for. The temp is below what the bromobutyl stopper and cap can handle as well.
Great info as always @Ghoul thanks
What carrier oil do they use ? I have been paying way too much from my trt doc and all the new tests look good on there oils I think I am going to try a kit out
Thanks Ghoul ! I think I am going to try a kit my first oil purchase from them all the new jano tests look good my trt clinic prices are killing my wallet

Spend a few bucks and get some filters and sterile vials.

You're still saving a ton, and this is a good habit to get into right from the start when dealing with underground labs.

Just start each new vial by pulling the contents into a syringe, attaching filter, and injecting into a sterile vial.

Think of it like how you'd deal with tap water in a foreign country. It may be fine, but since you're ingesting it using a filtered water bottle is a reasonable precaution.

